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Showing Collections: 61 - 70 of 425

Convention of Delegates from the Seven Yearly Meetings (Hicksite) on Indian Affairs. Executive Central Committee Records

Identifier: SFHL-RG4-017
Abstract The Convention of Delegates was an association of seven Hicksite Yearly Meetings who managed Native American affairs in the Northern Superintendency during the period of President U.S. Grant's “Peace Policy.” The collection contains correspondence and reports of Indian agents, extracts from minutes and reports, financial records, legislative documents, and printed materials published by the convention. Persons represented include William Burgess, John G. Gasmann, Albert L. Green, Samuel M....
Dates: 1869-1884

Townsend Cooper family papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-025
Identifier: SFHL-SC-025

Includes Townsend Cooper's receipt book, 1870-74, and miscellaneous receipts, the disownments of Elizabeth and Mary Cooper, a printed invitation to a quilting party, 1831, and other miscellaneous materials. Also includes genealogical notes on the Cooper and Hibberd families.

Dates: 1796-1954

Sandra Lee Cronk Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-235

Sandra Lee Cronk was a Quaker author who co-founded School of the Spirit, a ministry of prayer and learning under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Her papers include manuscripts of her published works, numerous unpublished manuscripts, and records of some of the workshops that she gave at Pendle Hill.

Dates: 1963-1999

Carolyn V. Cutler correspondence

 Collection — othertype: SC-082
Identifier: SFHL-SC-082

This collection primarily includes letters received by Carolyn V. Cutler and Serena A. Minard. The letters relate local and family news. One letter, addressed from Paris, describes a meeting of the Prison Reform Association. Also included are letters from Quaker ministers Jonathon D. Noxon and Isaac Wilson. These letters relate personal news and advice about farming.

Dates: 1880-1911

Darlington Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-296
Abstract This collection contains the papers of the Darlington family of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, and Woodstown, New Jersey. Quakers with strong ties to Swarthmore College, the family was involved in education, social and peace concerns, and businesses in the Philadelphia area. Charles J. Darlington (1894-1966) served as Clerk of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends during the reunification of the two Philadelphia Yearly Meetings. The collection includes family...
Dates: 1831-2012

Carlisle G. Davidson Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-033

Contains the papers of Carlisle G. Davidson, Quaker editor. Chiefly correspondence and articles, including editorial correspondence concerning the periodical, The Pentecostal Friend, published by the Evangelical Friends Association, a Quaker Pentecostal organization located in Detroit, Michigan, and correspondence concerning the formation of the Elgon Yearly Meeting in East Africa.

Dates: 1971-1975

Bainbridge C. Davis Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-212
Abstract Bainbridge C. Davis (1910-1993) was a Quaker active in many concerns and organizations. He worked as a Foreign Service Officer, serving in Venezuela, Jamaica, Chile, and Panama. He retired early, at the age of 62, to devote himself to Quaker causes. He worked to improve race relations and opposed U.S. support for dictatorships. Organizations and committees which he was active in include the Friends World Committee for Consultation, American Friends Service Committee, and Pendle Hill. He was...
Dates: 1960-1993

Mahlon Day collection of publications

 Collection — othertype: SC-183
Identifier: SFHL-SC-183

Religious tracts and reprints and children's books with some manuscript inscriptions, published and sold by Mahlon Day, a New York Orthodox Quaker.

Dates: 1821-1852

Martha L. Deed Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-285

Martha Deed is a retired Quaker psychologist who wrote her 1969 PhD dissertation on patterns of religious commitment among Friends. She is a prolific writer, poet, and photographer whose beliefs inform her life and work. This collection includes papers and research materials in two areas, her dissertation and her edited publication, Fritz Kunkel - The Psychology of the Whole Man.

Dates: 1942-1999

Christopher Densmore Research Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-326

Christopher Densmore served as Curator of Friends Historical Library, retiring in 2018. This collection includes his raw research materials as well as completed papers.

Dates: 1980-2017

Filtered By

  • Subject: Society of Friends X
  • Library: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College X

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Quakers -- Pennsylvania 86
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 77
Quakers -- Social life and customs 75
Society of Friends -- Education 43
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 41
∨ more
Quakers -- New York (State) 39
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 36
Quakers -- Societies, etc. 32
Society of Friends -- Charities 30
Quakers -- New York (State) -- New York 28
Society of Friends -- Doctrines 24
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 23
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 23
Quaker women 21
Society of Friends -- Charities -- Records and correspondence 19
Quakers -- Education 18
Charities -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 17
Quakers -- New Jersey 17
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 17
Society of Friends -- New York (State) 17
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 16
Quakers -- Social service 15
Quaker authors 14
Quakers -- Diaries 14
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 14
Society of Friends -- History 14
Quakers -- United States 13
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 12
Spiritual life -- Society of Friends 12
Charities -- Pennsylvania 11
Church and social problems -- Society of Friends 11
Social service -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 11
Society of Friends -- Sermons 11
Society of Friends -- United States 11
diaries 11
Education -- Pennsylvania 10
Prison reform -- Society of Friends 10
Quakers -- Virginia 10
Society of Friends -- Clergy 10
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania 9
Quakers -- Correspondence 9
Social service -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 9
Church work with Indians -- Society of Friends 8
Indians of North America -- Government relations -- 1869-1934 8
Literature -- Societies, etc. 8
Quaker social reformers 8
Schools -- Pennsylvania 8
Schools -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 8
Society of Friends -- Congresses 8
Society of Friends -- Discipline 8
Society of Friends -- New York (State) -- New York 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 8
Women in charitable work -- Pennsylvania 8
Church work with the poor -- Society of Friends 7
Poor -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 7
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 7
Quakers -- Maryland 7
Quakers -- Ohio 7
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 7
Slavery -- United States 7
Society of Friends -- Correspondence 7
Society of Friends -- History -- Societies, etc. 7
Society of Friends -- Peace testimony 7
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 7
Society of Friends -- Schisms and separations 7
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 7
Abolitionists 6
African Americans -- Services for -- Pennsylvania 6
Children -- Institutional care -- Pennsylvania 6
Conscientious objection -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 6
Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 6
Indians of North America -- Missions 6
Quaker abolitionists 6
Quaker businesspeople 6
Quakers -- Delaware 6
Quakers -- Great Britain 6
Quakers -- Indiana 6
Quakers -- Massachusetts 6
Social service -- Pennsylvania 6
Society of Friends -- International assistance 6
Society of Friends -- Nebraska 6
Society of Friends -- Societies, etc. 6
Society of Friends -- Testimonies and concerns 6
Spirituality -- Society of Friends 6
account books 6
genealogies (histories) 6
Antislavery movements 5
Charities -- New York (State) -- New York 5
Church work with older people -- Society of Friends 5
Hicksites -- 19th century 5
Lay ministry -- Pennsylvania 5
Nonprofit organizations -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
Philadelphia (Pa.) 5
Quaker artists 5
Quaker women -- Diaries 5
Quaker women ministers 5
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 5
Quakers -- England 5
Quakers -- History 5
Quakers -- Iowa 5
+ ∧ less
American Friends Service Committee 26
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 21
Swarthmore College 21
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 20
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 12
∨ more
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 11
Friends General Conference (U.S.) 9
Comly, John, 1773-1850 8
Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 8
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 8
Hopper, Isaac T. (Isaac Tatem), 1771-1852 7
Kersey, Jesse, 1768-1845 7
Parsons, Samuel, 1774-1841 7
Westtown Boarding School 7
Cadwallader, Priscilla, 1786-1859 6
Ferris, Benjamin, 1780-1867 6
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 6
Jackson, John, 1809-1855 6
Janney, Samuel M. (Samuel Mcpherson), 1801-1880 6
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 6
McClintock, Thomas, 1792?-1876 6
Dillwyn, George, 1738-1820 5
George School (Bucks County, Pa.) 5
Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855 5
Hallowell, Benjamin, 1799-1877 5
Mott, James, 1788-1868 5
Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 5
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite: 1828-1955) 5
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1955) 5
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Conservative : 1854- ) 5
Parrish, Dillwyn, 1809-1886 5
Pemberton, John, 1727-1795 5
Penn, William, 1644-1718 5
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 5
Poole, William, 1764-1829 5
Schofield, Martha 5
Scott, Job, 1751-1793 5
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 5
Biddle, Clement M. (Clement Miller), 1876-1959 4
Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 4
Chalkley, Thomas, 1675-1741 4
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 4
Foulke family 4
Foulke, Joseph, 1786-1863 4
Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology 4
Friends World College 4
Garrigues, Edward, 1756-1845 4
Green Street Monthly Meeting of Friends (Philadelphia, Pa.) 4
Hayes, John Russell, 1866-1945 4
Hull, William I. (William Isaac), 1868-1939 4
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Hicksite) 4
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends 4
New York Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1957 : New York, N.Y.) 4
Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828-1854) 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955). Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (1869-1892) 4
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 4
Schofield Normal and Industrial School (Aiken, S.C.) 4
Truman, George 4
Walton, George A. (George Arthur), 1883- 4
Walton, J. Barnard (Joseph Barnard), 1885-1963 4
Young Friends' Association (New York, N.Y.) 4
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3
Brinton family 3
Brinton, Anna Cox 3
Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973 3
Brown family 3
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 3
Clark, Rebecca Timbres, 1896- 3
Dugdale, Joseph A., 1810-1896 3
Elkinton, J. Passmore (Joseph Passmore), 1887-1971 3
Fothergill, Samuel 3
Friends Housing, Inc. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 3
Friends Meeting of Washington (Washington, D.C.) 3
Friends World Committee for Consultation. Section of the Americas 3
Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 3
Genesee Yearly Meeting of Friends 3
Gould, Thomas B., 1813-1856 3
Gwynedd Boarding School (Gwynedd, Pa.) 3
Hicks family 3
Hunn family 3
Hunt family 3
Hunt, John, 1740-1824 3
Janney family 3
Jenkins family (Jenkins, Jabez, 1792-1858) 3
Jones, Margaret E., 1895-1984 3
Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1817 3
Kimber, Emmor, 1775-1850 3
Long Island University 3
Mather family 3
Monthly Meeting of New York (Society of Friends : Orthodox : New York, N.Y.). Peace and Service Committee 3
Mott, John, 1783-1848 3
New York Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1957 : New York, N.Y.). Peace and Service Committee 3
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Committee on a Friends World College 3
Plymouth Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 3
Powell, Aaron M. (Aaron Macy), 1832-1899 3
Price family 3
Rotch, William, 1759-1850 3
Seaman, David, 1791-1844 3
Sharples, Edith, 1743-1787 3
Sharples, Joshua, 1747-1826 3
+ ∧ less