Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 98
Abington monthly meeting manumissions
"Account of Isaac Coates, Joshua Sharpless & John Pierce's Visits to the Indian Reservation in Western New York"
This copy of an account from 1798 and 1799 was written in an unknown hand likely in the latter half of the 19th century. The volume describes Isaac Coates, Joshua Sharpless, and John Pierce's travel to Native American reservations on behalf of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Indian Committee, and the work they did while there.
Ackworth School, England records
Ackworth School was founded in 1779 as a co-educational boarding school for Quaker children by Dr. John Fothergill and other Quakers. It is located in West Workshire, England. It was intended to be a board school for children whose parents were not rich. This collection is comprised of four volumes, one of which is a transcription of one of the other volumes. They all relate to the rules and regulations for the Ackworth School in England.
Henry H. Albertson collection
Includes letters, many of which are by and to William Hodgson (1804-1878). All or most of the letter writers are Friends; a number of them are British Friends. Topics often include visits to other Friends, attending Meeting, health, religious or philosophical reflections, and because of the period of writing, often refer openly or obliquely to the Wilbur-Gurney controversy.
Samuel Allinson commonplace book
Samuel Allinson was a Quaker active in early New Jersey politics. The commonplace book of Samuel Allinson includes reflections on a variety of topics, including: Jealousy, Constancy and Fortitude, Human Trouble or Infelicity, Deceit, Novels, Romances, Riches and Poverty, Parents and Children, Women, and Marriage. He also includes remarks on slavery (p. 71), and extracts of poetry.
"The Contribution of the Quakers to the Reconstruction of the Southern States"
Takeo Arishima correspondence
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of Takeo Arishima, a Japanese novelist, short-story writer, and essayist. Also includes a single portrait photograph of Arishima.
Iwao Frederick Ayusawa correspondence
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of Iwao Frederick Ayusawa.
James A. Babbitt photograph album
This collection includes photographs from World War I Europe. Photographs include those taken on a ship to Europe, at a hospital in France, and at a number of battlefields throughout Europe. This volume includes graphic images of war casualties.
George Bacon diaries
George Bacon's entries largely focus on descriptions of the weather, Quaker meetings attended, Yearly Meetings attended, births, deaths, and marriages in the Quaker community, social calls, and news of his family and business. In addition to the 17 original volumes of diaries, the collection includes a folder of partial transcripts of Bacon's diaries, some typed, some handwritten, as well as an index of journal entries by topic.