Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 40
A Quaker Action Group Records
Irwin Abrams Collected Papers
Includes biographical and bibliographical information and photocopies of a small portion of Abrams published writings, including material about the Nobel Peace Prize, women Nobel Peace Prize winners, the Quaker peace testimony and the Nobel Peace Prize, Henri La Fontaine, and Carl von Ossietzky.
All American Friends Conference (Oskaloosa, Ia.) Records
All American Friends Conference (1929) was a conference of Quakers from the United States and Canada which was held in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in September 1929. This collection contains a journal kept by Rebecca Thomas Miller, program, list of participants, pictures, and other records relating to the Conference.
William Charles Allen Collected Papers
William C. Allen was born in 1857 in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He was a member of the Society of Friends. Allen was deeply opposed to war and wrote often about the problems of propaganda, censorship, conscription, imperialism, and the munitions industry. He traveled widely and wrote many articles about his experiences abroad.
American Friends Service Committee, Committee on Rights of Conscience Records
Contains the records of American Friends Service Committee, Committee on Rights of Conscience, 1955-1962, including minutes and other supporting documents. Persons represented include Faith Bissell, Miriam E. Brailey, Harrop Freeman, Frederick Fuges, Alan Howe, Mary Knowles, Patrick M. Malin, Roland Pennock, Sara Pickus, Harry B. Sprogell, Frederick B. Tolles, and John T. Watkins.
Bacon Family papers
Correspondence, diaries and photographs relating to the 20th- century Quakers Edith Farquhar Bacon and Francis Rogers Bacon, their families, forbears, friends and colleagues.
Baltimore Yearly Meeting draft epistles collection
Collection of manuscript drafts of epistles prepared by Baltimore Yearly Meeting to send to the Yearly Meetings of Philadelphia, New York, Rhode Island, and North Carolina. Most concern the education and treatment of Indians, African Americans, and Quaker children; also, opposition to war and the production of liquor by Friends. All are handwritten with corrections.
Broomell-Cleghorn-Fisher Papers
This collection contains material collected by Anna Pettit Broomell and primarily consists of the writings and correspondence of Broomell, Dorothy Canfield Fisher, and Sarah Cleghorn.
Henry Joel Cadbury Papers
Henry J. Cadbury (1883-1974) was a distinguished Biblical scholar, teacher, and a member of the Society of Friends. Cadbury was one of the founders of the American Friends Service Committee. He served as its chairman from both 1928 to 1934 and again from 1944 to 1960. Cadbury supervised famine relief both in the United States and in Europe.