Showing Collections: 171 - 180 of 1511
Camden Monthly Meeting Records (including Duck Creek and Motherkiln)
Records of Camden Monthly Meeting and of its predecessors, Duck Creek and Motherkiln Monthly Meetings, 1686-2014, include: vital records, 1686-2000; pre-Separation, Hicksite and United men’s and joint session minutes, 1705-1961 and 1994-2006; women's minutes, 1711-1874; financial records, 1829-1961; miscellaneous papers, 1740-2014. The Camden Friends Meeting Newsletter, in Series 6, contains copies of the unapproved minutes of the Meeting.
Cape May Preparative Records
Records of Cape May Preparative Meeting, 1794-1817, include: Men’s Minutes 1794-1817.
Mary Capper correspondence
Transatlantic correspondence between Mary Capper and the Cadbury family in Philadelphia. Letters concern family and spiritual matters. Correspondents include Joel and Caroline Cadbury, and their daughter-in-law, Elizabeth Cadbury.
Carlisle Monthly Meeting Records
Carman family papers
Helen M. Carroll Papers
Helen Carroll's files related to her peace and social concerns, including some material on Swarthmore borough (inc Swarthmore U. N Committee), the PYM U. N.committee, and other Quaker-related papers.
Kenneth L. Carroll Papers, 1953-2006
Stephen G. Cary collection
This collection contains the personal materials of Stephen G. Cary and historical materials collected by Cary about his relatives.
Catawissa Monthly Meeting Records
Records, all pre-Separation, include: minutes of the men's meeting, 1796-1808; women's meeting minutes, 1796-1808; marriage certificates, 1796-1802; index of removals issued, 1797-1808. Record of births and deaths at Catawissa contained in the book of births and deaths for Roaring Creek Monthly Meeting, 1790-1901.
Catskill Monthly Meeting Records (including Plains (Hicksite) and Greenfield and Neversink)
Records of Catskill Monthly Meeting and its predecessors, Plains Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) and Greenfield and Neversink Executive Meeting, 1828-ongoing. Includes: Minutes (men's & joint), 1847-2002, and a register of marriages and removals, 1828-1863, and membership list. 1999.