Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 1511
Baltimore Yearly Meeting Records
Joseph Bancroft Family Papers
Hugh Barbour lecture papers
Includes outline and course materials for five lectures given at Pendle Hill in the winter of 1975, notes on "Ethics and Theology in the Hicksite Separation" and the manuscript of a lecture on "Quakers and the Trinity" given at Swarthmore College in the spring of 1975.
"Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography"
The manuscript of Gergory Barnes's "Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography" provides a history of Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House from the purchase of the land by William Penn in 1683, to the present, including important Quaker individuals, the influence of Philadelphia's history on the Meeting House, the Orthodox-Hicksite separation, and the Wilburite-Gurneyites.
Bart Preparative Meeting Records
Records include burials (Bart, Pa.), 1831-1935; chart of marked graves at Bart, 1938; Hicksite minutes of the joint sessions, 1887-1925.
Batavia Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Batavia Monthly Meeting, 1915-1969. Includes: minutes, 1915-1969; Register: Births and Deaths, 1916-1969; deed, mortgage, etc.; account book, 1935-1951; treasurer's book, property and financial correspondence 1940, 1968-70; Miscellaneous: correspondence 1927-30, 1910-16, meeting notes.
Battle Creek Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Battle Creek Monthly Meeting, 1803-1903. Includes minutes 1838-86, women's minutes 1838-69, births and deaths 1803-1903, and Removal certificates 1838-68.
Joel and Hannah Bean Papers
Beekman Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Beekman Preparative Meeting, 1810-28. Includes: Men's minutes, 1810-1828.
Bendersville Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Bendersville Preparative Meeting, 1893-1905, including Men's Minutes, 1893-1903; Property Records, 1905; and Miscellaneous Papers, 1890-1891.