Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 1511
American Friends Service Committee Collected Records
The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) was set up in June 1917 as an outgrowth of and coordination point for the anti-war and relief activities of various bodies of the Religious Society of Friends in the United States.
American Friends Service Committee, Committee on Rights of Conscience Records
Contains the records of American Friends Service Committee, Committee on Rights of Conscience, 1955-1962, including minutes and other supporting documents. Persons represented include Faith Bissell, Miriam E. Brailey, Harrop Freeman, Frederick Fuges, Alan Howe, Mary Knowles, Patrick M. Malin, Roland Pennock, Sara Pickus, Harry B. Sprogell, Frederick B. Tolles, and John T. Watkins.
American Friends Service Committee Reference Files
Contains the reference files collected and assembled by American Friends Service Committee over many years to keep it informed of parallel service work by British and Irish Friends. Includes minutes, reports, and related papers of Friends' War Victims' Relief Committee, Friends' Council for International Service, Friends Service Council, and other Quaker relief agencies, mostly under the direction of London and Dublin Yearly Meetings.
"An Account of a Visit to the Indians in the Autumn of 1806"
This collection is comprised of a single letter from David Barclay to Charles Lloyd dated 1807 June 24, which includes "An account of a visit to the Indians in the Autumn of 1806, by one of the Pennsylvania Committee appointed to promote their Civilization" by Isaac Bonsall.
Peter Andrews journal
Journal kept during Andrews's travels in England during the years 1755 and 1756. Entries describe his voyage from Philadelphia to Newcastle, including the weather, fellow passengers, and Quaker meetings held on board. Upon Andrews’s arrival in England, entries describe visits to fellow Quakers, Quaker meetings, and discussions of the state of the Society of Friends in England.
Annapolis Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Annapolis Monthly Meeting, 1964-2019. Includes minutes, 1964-2011, vital records, 1968-2012, and newsletters, 1992/1996-1999, plus minutes, newsletters, and other records from the 2010s deposited by the Yearly Meeting's General Secretary in 2020.
Annual Association for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer Records
The Annual Association for the Relief of Sick Children in the Summer was a Quaker women's organization founded in 1818 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to provide relief for impoverished sick children and their mothers from the crowding and oppressive heat during the summer months. The collection contains minutes, 1818-1854 (gap 1819-1821) and other records, including acting committee minutes and workbook, 1843-1851.
"The Contribution of the Quakers to the Reconstruction of the Southern States"
Appoquinimink Preparative Meeting records
Records of Appoquinimink Preparative Meeting. Includes Minutes, 1947-1951, with a transcription, and miscellaneous records, 1948-2022. Includes born digital records.
Takeo Arishima correspondence
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of Takeo Arishima, a Japanese novelist, short-story writer, and essayist. Also includes a single portrait photograph of Arishima.