Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 76
Kennett Monthly Meeting Records
Mill Creek Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Mill Creek Monthly Meeting, 1955-1975.
Mill Creek Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Mill Creek Preparative Meeting, 1841-1910, as follows: Hicksite men's minutes, 1841-1883; Hicksite women's minutes, 1854-1891; deeds, 1841, 1880, & 1910.
Newark Monthly Meeting (Newark, Del.) Records
Philadelphia General Meeting (1946-1954) Records
Records of Philadelphia General Meeting, an annual meeting of members of both Philadelphia Yearly Meetings from 1946-1954. Also includes minutes, correspondence, and other records of joint committees involved in the process of the reunification of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting .
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting: Abortion Study Group (1981-1982)
The Abortion Study Group was formed by the Family Relations Committee to discuss the Yearly Meeting's position on abortion issues. It met monthly for two years, and wrote position papers supporting the pro-life and pro-choice points of view. Records include minutes, reports, correspondence, and miscellaneous papers.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Civilian Public Service Fund Committee (1942-1946)
Records of contributions and related correspondence of the Civilian Public Service Fund Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite), 1941-1945.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Hicksite) Records: Promotion Committee (1950-1952)
The Promotion Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting was appointed to coordinate PYM's representation at the 1952 Friends World Conference in Oxford, England. Records include applications, financial records, literature relating to the Conference, and other materials.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Orthodox) Records: Extension Committee (1922-1955)
Records of Extension Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Delaware County, PA), 1921-1953, including Minute Books (1921-1952), Financial Records (1928-1953), Printed Materials (1921-1939) and minutes of the Approach to Public Subcommittee (1921-1927).
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Orthodox) Records: Foreign Missionary Association (1882-1950)
Records of the Foreign Missionary Association of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1921-1953, include its Minutes (1882-1921) as well as the records of its Executive Board (1883-1923), International Committee (1918-1924), Young Women's Auxiliary and other Miscellaneous reports and correspondence (1883-1923). Also included are records from the Committee's Branches at Downingtown, Germantown, Haverford, Moorestown, Philadelphia and West Chester Meetings.