Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 324
Identifier: SFHL-RG4-070
Friends Reading Circle of Media was a Quaker book group established in 1877 in Media, Pennsylvania, for the purpose of discussing Quaker and other religious writings and as a social gathering for Friends. This collection contains its minutes, 1877-1891. Also included are minutes of the Friends Reading Circle for the Northern District, 1875-1876, whose secretary, Elton B. Gifford, moved to the Media area in 1877.
Identifier: SFHL-RG4-037
The Friends Sesqui-Centennial Commission was an organization involved with coordinating Quaker activities relating to the sesquicentennial celebration of the American Revolution in 1926 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The collection contains a minute book containing committee and treasurer's reports, registration books, printed material and other records.
Identifier: SFHL-RG4-038
Friends Social Union was a Hicksite Quaker social club established in 1907 in Ambler, Pennsylvania. The collection contains minutes, 1907 1924.
Identifier: SFHL-RG1
A Friends World Conference Committee, sponsored by the Fellowship Council of the American Friends Service Committee, was established in 1932 to promote better understanding among Friends world wide. The representatives at the Second World Conference of Friends, held at Swarthmore and Haverford Colleges, Pa., in 1937, approved the establishment of a continuing international organization, a Friends World Committee, to promote international contacts and cooperation among Friends. In 1958, it...
Identifier: QM-Ph-G300
Scope and Contents
Records of Germantown Monthly meeting, 1900-2002, include: vital records, 1900-2002; men’s minutes, 1906-1978; women’s minutes, 1906-1918; ministers’ and elders’ minutes, 1907-1954; financial records, 1907-1968; property records, 1945-1970s; assistance committee contributions, 1957-1962; Germantown Friends School Committee minutes, 1899-1997; library committee account books, 1945-1965; overseers’ minutes, 1907-1976; religious education committee notebooks; sewing group garment work record,...
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-G310
Scope and Contents
Records include: Minutes of the pre-Separation and Orthodox men's meeting and later of joint sessions with women, 1756-1939; Hicksite men's minutes, 1877-1914; pre-Separation and Orthodox women's meeting minutes, 1784-1917; Hicksite women's minutes, 1877-1880; Orthodox account books 1739-1812, 1832-1938; Hicksite account books,1877-1914; Orthodox receipt books, 1859-1895; Orthodox membership, 1799-1843; Hicksite membership, 1807-1812, 1888-1911; Orthodox women's records, 1862-1902; building...
Collection — othertype: SW/B/G4
Identifier: QM-B-G4
Scope and Contents
The Gettysburg Monthly Meeting collection consists of a few paper records from the early 1990s maintained by the Baltimore Yearly Meeting Office, plus digital minutes of the monthly meeting for business, compiled by the clerk into one combined file for each year, 2015-2021, plus some digital minutes deposited by BYM for 2011-2012 along with some reports sent to the Yearly meeting. Digital files are accessible to TriCollege accounts or on-campus users.
1990 - 2021
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-G600
Scope and Contents
Records of Goshen Monthly Meeting, 1705-2015, include: acknowledgements, 1762-1774; births and deaths, 1705-1896; disownments and removals, 1721-1930; marriage certificates, 1722-1938; membership registers and lists, 1828-1991; Hicksite men’s minutes, 1722-1962; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1828-1956; Hicksite women’s minutes, 1827-1889; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1722-1911; United minutes, 1985-1999; Hicksite ministers and elders minutes, 1827-1938; Orthodox ministers and elders minutes,...
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-G640
Scope and Contents
Records include: pre-Separation minutes, 1807-1814 and subscription list, Twelfth Month 29, 1797; Minute books of the Hicksite men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women, 1827-1937; minute books of the Hicksite women's meeting, 1860-1869, 1877-1889.
Collection — othertype: SC-273
Identifier: SFHL-SC-273
Mary Lukens, a birthright member of Abington Monthly Meeting, acknowledged marrying out of unity in 1801 and remained a member of the Society of Friends. Her husband, William Grant (d. 1849) became a member of Abington Monthly Meeting in 1811, and in 1818 the couple requested membership for their four children: Gulielma, Lukens, Mary, and John M. Grant. Their daughter Jane L. Grant, was born 1817, a birthright member of Abington Monthly Meeting. The family affiliated with the Hicksite branch...