Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 324
Bucks Auxiliary Bible Association of Friends (Bucks County, Pa.) Records
Bucks Quarterly Meeting Records
Byberry Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: pre-Separation and Hicksite minutes of the Women's Meeting; minutes of the pre-Separation and Hicksite Ministry & Council committee and its predecessor, the Preparative Meeting of Ministers & Elders; pre-Separation and Hicksite vital records since 1726, including births, deaths, burials, marriage and membership records, certificates of removal, etc. as well as other types of records.
Byberry Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: minutes of the pre-Separation and the Hicksite meetings, 1756-1919; minutes of the pre-Separation and Hicksite women's meeting, 1770-1897; Hicksite financial records; records of the School Fund Trustees; records of the School Association, and more.
Richard T. Cadbury collection
Letters of English and American Friends written at the end of the 18th century on topics relating to travel in the ministry in England and the northeastern United States, Friends, and health. Almost all the letters are directed to Quaker minister, James Thornton.
Caln Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Caln Preparative Meeting, 1841-1940, include: Hicksite men’s minutes, 1850-1887; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1841-1922; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1882-1918; account books, 1842-1940.
Caln Quarterly Meeting Records
Cambridge Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Minutes of the Hicksite men's meeting, 1831-1845; and minutes of the Hicksite women's meeting, 1831-1842.
Carlisle Monthly Meeting Records
Catawissa Monthly Meeting Records
Records, all pre-Separation, include: minutes of the men's meeting, 1796-1808; women's meeting minutes, 1796-1808; marriage certificates, 1796-1802; index of removals issued, 1797-1808. Record of births and deaths at Catawissa contained in the book of births and deaths for Roaring Creek Monthly Meeting, 1790-1901.