Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 324
Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (1956- ) Records
Records of Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends, 1926-91. Includes minutes, 1956-89, and records of the Race Street Forum Committee.
Centre Monthly Meeting (Centre County, Pa.) Records
Records of Centre Monthly Meeting, pre-Separation, Hicksite, and Orthodox, 1754-1936. Pre-Separation and Hicksite records include: men's and joint minutes 1803-1936, women's minutes 1803-85, vital records 1754-1923, and miscellaneous 1889-1920. Orthodox records include: men's and joint minutes 1868-1918, women's minutes 1863-1892, Ministers and Elders minutes 1841-1898, and miscellaneous, 1927-1929.
Centre Quarterly Meeting Records
Records of Centre Quarterly Meeting, 1835-1994 and 2009. Includes men's and joint minutes 1835-1994 and digital minutes for 2009 and women's minutes 1835-85.
Chambersburg Friends Meeting Records
Records of Chambersburg Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1978-2009. Also includes the minutes of Franklin County Preparative Meeting, 1968-1978.
Cheltenham Monthly Meeting and Abington Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of the Cheltenham Monthly Meeting and its Orthodox predecessor, Abington Monthly Meeting, 1713-1980, as follows: Orthodox vital records, 1827-2007; Orthodox/United Mens and Joint minutes, 1827-2007; Women's minutes, 1827-1903; records of Worship & Ministry and its predecessors, 1713-1988; Financial records, 1922-2008; Property records, 1907-2007; Miscellaneous, 1913-2008; newsletter.
Chester Friends Association (Chester, Pa.) Records
The Chester Friends Association was established in Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1901 as a society to study Quaker history and literature. This collection contains the record book of Chester Friends Association, a society to study Quaker history and literature. The volume contains minutes, constitution, and by-laws.
Chester Monthly Meeting Records
Chester Preparative Meeting Records
Chester Quarterly Meeting (1955- ) Records
Records of Chester Quarterly Meeting since 1955. Included are: Minutes 1955-1973 and 1979-1982; Representative Committee minutes, 1965-1973 and 1979-1982; papers of the Committee to Study Quarterly Meeting, also known as the Ad Hoc Committee on Quarterly Meetings, 1964-1965. A separate series is devoted to the records of the Peace Center of Delaware County (1987-2022).
Records of the first Chester Quarterly Meeting are described with the records of Concord Quarterly Meeting.
Chestnut Hill Meeting of Friends (1924-1933) Records
Records of Chestnut Hill Meeting, 1924-1932, include: joint minutes 1924-1932.