Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 324
Fallowfield Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Fallowfield Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1797-1936, as follows: Minutes of the men's meeting and joint sessions, 1848-1936; women's meeting minutes, 1797-1806 and 1823-1893; membership lists, ca. 1805, [190-?], 1910; treasurer's accounts, 1895-1907. Records of Fallowfield Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) include: men’s meeting minutes, 1827-1891; women’s meeting minutes, 1847-1883; membership, 1858-1884; account books, 1890-1895.
Falls Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Falls Preparative Meeting, 1680-1890, as follows: pre-Separation men's minutes, 1765-1827; Hicksite men's minutes, 1827-1890; Orthodox women's minutes, 1873-1880; pre-Separation and Hicksite account books.
Fallsington Friends and Falls Monthly Meetings Records
Records include: minutes since 1683; vital records, 1680-1960; Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1683-1819 & 1827-1891 and Orthodox women's minutes, 1820-1918; Hicksite ministers and elders' minutes, 1756-1904 and Orthodox ministers and elders' minutes, 1859-1923; school committee minutes, 1823-1855; miscellaneous papers.
Families of Philadelphia papers
Papers of the Philadelphia families Bloomfield, Coates, Cresson, Emlen, Gumbes, Horner, Howel, Lloyd, Macomb, Moore, Vaux and Wetherill families from the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of these families were Quaker, including Coates, Emlen and Vaux; others had some Quaker family members, including Cresson, other families, including Gumbes and Wetherill, did not remain Quaker.
Fisher-Brinton family papers
Foster-Meyers Family Papers
Eliza Ambler Foulke Research Papers
Frankford Monthly Meeting Records
Records of the Orthodox branch of Frankford Monthly Meeting, 1788-1987, include: vital records, 1788-2005; men’s minutes, 1816-2005; women’s minutes, 1816-1915; ministers’ and elders’ minutes, 1816-1970; financial records, 1831-1934; overseers’ records, 1904-1990s; school committee records, 1840s-1999.
Frankford Preparative Meeting Records
Friends Association of Byberry Records
The Byberry Friends Association was a Quaker group which met monthly in Byberry, Pa, to hear papers on a variety of topics and to discuss issues of the day. This collection contains the records of the Friends Association of Byberry, 1900-1932.