Showing Collections: 1491 - 1500 of 1511
Anna Mary Woodward scrapbook
Anna Mary Woodward's scrapbook includes clippings related to Quaker history and Quaker meeting houses, clippings from The Friend, post cards of meeting houses, a Quaker calendar for 1911, clippings about Quaker ministers, materials of the Bi-Centennial Celebration of the reunion of two historic societies, and information about Friends' missions in Japan, China, and Ramallah.
John Woolman diary
John Woolman's diary from his voyage to England in 1772, the original manuscript of which is held at the Mount School, York, United Kingdom. Entries discuss Woolman's travel with Samuel Emlen, including preparations for the voyage, description of weather conditions, conditions on board, religious reflection, and reflection on the slave trade.
John Woolman Manuscripts Collection
Woolman Research Papers
Phillips P. Moulton (b.1909) edited The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman which was published by Oxford University Press in 1971. The collection consists of Moulton's card files, correspondence, and other papers related to the editing of John Woolman's Journal.
Woolwich Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Woolwich Preparative Meeting of Friends (Hicksite), 1834-1929, as follows: men's minutes, 1835-1884 and 1924-1929, and women's minutes, 1834-51, 1851-75, and 1875-84.
World War I Reconstruction and Conscientious Objectors files
Card files on Conscientious Objectors in World War I (of all faiths) and on workers and applicants to the Reconstruction Unit program overseen by the Society of Friends in Europe after World War I.
Wrightstown Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Wrightstown Monthly Meeting, 1684-2024, include: vital records, 1684-1916; pre-Separation, Hicksite men's and joint session minutes, 1734-2024, including born-digital minutes; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1827-1833; pre-Separation and Hicksite women’s minutes, 1734-1886 ; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1827-1833; Wrightstown First Day School records, 1899-1918; and other miscellaneous records, 1784-2005.
Wrightstown Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Hicksite women's minutes, 1832-1854.
Yardley Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Yardley Monthly Meeting, 1955-1976, as follows: minutes, 1955-1961, 1961-1970, and 1970-1976, and newsletter. Digital scans of printed paper minutes from 1993-1996 and 1998-2012. Minutes 2013-2022 are born-digital (searchable) pdf files compiled by the meeting as one combined file per year.