Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 342
Abstracts from the Le Ray Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Abstracted records of Le Ray Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), 1828-1843, copied by Grace Moffett Lansing from the compilations of Minnie Ward Kellogg.
Adirondack Friends Meeting Records
Records of Adirondack Friends Meeting, 1985-ongoing. Includes: membership Records 1952-1990 & ca. 1893-1993; newsletters, 1985-1989. Predecessor meetings are described separately.
Albany Executive and Monthly Meetings (1840-1915) Records
Includes: Minutes (men's and joint), 1840-94 and 1894-1915; women's minutes, 1840-69; minutes of the Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1841-87 and 1887-94; register & scrapbook, 1840-1915; Deeds and Property Records 1898-1908; contained with the Register are records of births & deaths, marriages, removals, names of the members of Albany and New Scotland Preparative Meetings, and miscellaneous items tipped in.
Albany Friends Meeting (1942- ) Records
Records of the second Albany Friends Meeting, 1942-ongoing. Includes: Minutes, 1942-1994, and newsletters, 1965-68.
Albany Preparative Meeting Records
Includes: Women's Preparative Meeting minutes, 1833-1865; Men's Preparative Meeting minutes, 1833-1870.
Alfred Monthly Meeting Records (including Finger Lakes)
Includes: minutes of Alfred Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, Finger Lakes Monthly Meeting, from 1952. Vol. 1965-1969 also includes Alfred Preparative Meeting minutes, 1952-1969.
All Friends Regional Meeting Records
Includes: Minutes, 1929-1977 and 1978-1996, and clerks' papers, 1941-1984, including correspondence, reports, etc.
Amawalk Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Amawalk Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, Amawalk Monthly Meeting (Hicksite), 1795-ongoing. Includes: Minutes 1812-1991; Vital records 1798-1996; minutes and other records of Ministry & Counsel and its predecessor, Ministers & Elders, 1829-1914 & 1986-95; Treasurer's book 1910-1985; deeds & other property Records 1774-1903; extracts of the minutes of the monthly and quarterly meetings for Amawalk Preparative (1795) and Monthly (1806).
Amawalk Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Amawalk Preparative Meeting (Hicksite), 1777-1886. Includes: Minutes, 1814-1886, and women's minutes, 1777-1886.
Amawalk Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Amawalk Preparative Meeting (Orthodox). Includes: Minutes, 1775-1800/1828-1850 and women's minutes, 1797-1825/1828-1861.