Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 340
Greenfield Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Greenfield Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1809-1817, 1840-1859 and 1864-1884. Includes: Minutes 1809-17 & 1864-84, and women's minutes, 1840-59.
Half Moon Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Half Moon Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1801-1840. Includes: Minutes (men's), 1801-1836, and women's minutes, 1801-1840.
Hartland Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Hartland Monthly Meeting of Friends and its Orthodox and Conservative predecessors, 1828-1968. Includes vital records, 1821-2005, minutes (men's & joint), 1821-2000, women's minutes, 1821-1879, ministry and elders, 1963, property and financial records, 1906-2003, committees, 1875-1973, and miscellaneous, 1860-2004.
Hartland Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Hartland Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) and its predecessor, 1817-1902. Includes: Minutes, 1817-1902, and women's minutes, 1856-1879.
Hector Monthly Meetings (Orthodox and Conservative) Records
Records of the Conservative (Wilburite) branch of Hector Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, the pre-schism Orthodox Meeting, including the minutes of both the Otisites and Kingites. Includes: Minutes (men's, women's, and joint), 1830-1950, registers of membership, 1756-1965, the minutes of the Meeting of Ministers & Elders, 1830-1863, Library record, 1860, Publishing Proposal 1824, and Correspondence 1828 and 1923.
Hector Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Hector Preparative Meeting (Orthodox). Includes: Minutes, 1870-1886, and women's minutes, 1847-1878.
Hector Preparative Meeting (Otisite) Records
Records of the Otisite branch of Hector Preparative Meeting. Includes: Minutes, 1859-1879.
Henrietta Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Henrietta Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1825-1848. Includes: Men's minutes, 1825-48, and women's minutes, 1828-1848.
Elias Hicks Manuscript Collection
Hicks Family Papers
The Hicks family was a Long Island, New York, Quaker family with extensive connections to prominent members of the Society of Friends. The collection contains correspondence, mostly relating to Quaker concerns, received by Isaac Hicks (1815-1900) and others; genealogical research of Benjamin D. Hicks, and miscellaneous collected papers concerning the Society of Friends and Swarthmore College.