Showing Collections: 221 - 230 of 340
Oneonta Friends Meeting Records
Records of Oneonta Friends Meeting, 1974-1988. Includes minutes, 1974-1980.
Orchard Park Monthly Meeting Records (including East Hamburg, Hamburg (Hicksite), and Eden)
Records of Orchard Park Monthly Meeting and its predecessors, East Hamburg Executive and Monthly Meetings (Hicksite), Hamburg Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) , Hamburg Monthly Meeting, and Eden Monthly Meeting, 1751-ongoing. Includes: Minutes 1814-2002; Vital records 1751-1942, including births & deaths, 1759-1866 & 1751-1942, marriages & removals, 1822-99, and removals, 1819-92; Ministers & Elders minutes, 1821-1907; Financial records 1831-1958; Newsletter 1981-95.
Oswego Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Oswego Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) and its pre-Separation predecessor, Oswego Preparative Meeting. Includes: Minutes (men's & joint), 1794-1911, and women's minutes, 1834-1886.
Otego Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Otego Preparative Meeting, 1800-1849. Includes men's minutes, 1842-49, and women's minutes, 1800-1810.
Levinus King Painter Papers
Palmyra Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Palmyra Preparative Meeting, 1825-1854. Includes men's and women's minutes, 1825-54.
Paltz Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Paltz Preparative Meeting, 1828-1835. Includes men's minutes, 1828-35.
Peconic Bay Executive Meeting Records
Records of Peconic Bay Quaker Meeting. Includes minutes, 1995-2000, membership records, 1995-99, and other miscellaneous records, 1994-2006.
Peekskill Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Peekskill Preparative Meeting, 1828-71. Includes men's minutes 1828-71, and women's minutes 1854-71.
Peekskill Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Peekskill Preparative Meeting, 1816-1851. Includes women's minutes, 1816-51.