Showing Collections: 231 - 240 of 340
Penington Friends House Records
Perry City Monthly Meeting Records (including Hector Monthly Meeting (Orthodox-Gurneyite))
Records of Perry City Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, Hector Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), 1847-1972. Includes: Minutes (men's, women's, joint), 1847-1955/1968-79/2005, vital records 1902-1972, Ministers and Elders, 1872-1895, financial records 1942-1954, records of the Ladies Aid Society, and newsletters.
Peru Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Peru Monthly Meeting, 1799-1867 (Pre-Separation and Hicksite). Includes men's minutes 1828-67, women's minutes 1799-1866, vital records 1799-1839, and property records 1838.
Peru Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Peru Monthly Meeting, 1766-1868 (Pre-Separation and Orthodox). Includes men's minutes 1799-1868, women's minutes 1828-68, vital records 1766-1866, Ministers & Elders minutes 1804-68.
Peru Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Peru Preparative Meeting, 1799-1862. Includes men's minutes 1799-1808 and women's minutes 1828-1862.
Peru Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Peru Preparative Meeting, 1798-1870. Includes men's minutes 1808-70, women's minutes 1798-1870, and lists of books in library, 1844-60.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Committee for the Care of Friends Residing in Upper Canada (1797-1798)
Records of Canadian Friends Committee of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1798-1809, include a small number of miscellaneous papers; generally correspondence between the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and Canadian meetings.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Quaker Fund for Indigenous Communities and its predecessors (Indian Committee, Friendly Association) (1795- )
Pittstown Executive Meeting (Hicksite) Records (including Troy (Pre-Separation and Hicksite))
Records of Pittstown Executive Meeting and its predecessors, 1813-1911. Includes minutes, 1813-1906, and vital Records 1813-1911.
Pittstown Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Pittstown Preparative Meeting, 1796-1880. Includes men's minutes 1796-1880, and women's minutes 1796-1875.