Showing Collections: 301 - 310 of 340
Stanford Quarterly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Stanford Quarterly Meeting (Orthodox), 1832-67. Includes men's, women's, and ministers' and elders' minutes 1832-67.
Staten Island Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Staten Island Monthly Meeting, 1986-. Includes minutes 1986-90.
Syracuse Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Syracuse Monthly Meeting and Syracuse Quarterly Meeting, 1936-(ongoing). Includes minutes and assorted papers, 1936-2023 with gaps.
Syracuse Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Syracuse Preparative Meeting, 1937-46. Includes minutes 1936-46.
Joseph Tallcot correspondence
Contains five letters from Quaker educator Joseph Talcot, including one to New York Yearly Meeting for Sufferings and five to Samuel Parsons (1744-1841), long-time elder and clerk of New York Yearly Meeting. The letters deal with concerns of the Meeting for Suffering and providing literature to Friends in remote quarterly meetings.
The New York Association of Friends for the Relief of Those Held in Slavery and the Improvement of the Free People of Color
The New York Association of Friends for the Relief of Those Held in Slavery and the Improvement of Free People of Color was a Quaker society in New York City, organized in 1839. Its purpose was to support the abolition of slavery and educational charities for Black people. This small collection contains a minute book (6/1839-5/1843) and loose minutes (1844).
Tillson Friends Community Church Records (including Tillson Business Meeting and Rosendale Plains Preparative Meeting (Orthodox))
Records of Tillson Business Meeting (Orthodox) and its predecessor, Rosendale Plains Preparative Meeting, 1897-1902. Includes minutes 1897-1908, and miscellaneous records on Tillson Community Church.
Troy Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Troy Preparative Meeting, 1804-77. Includes minutes 1804-77 and financial records 1852-76.
Unadilla Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Unadilla Monthly Meeting, 1896-2002. Includes minutes of the preparative meeting, 1896-1902, and of the monthly 1903-62; financial records 1917-51; and miscellaneous unprocessed material from the 1960s-2002.
Union Springs Congregational Meeting Records
Records of Union Springs Congregational Meeting, 1910-1920. Includes minutes 1910-20.