Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 342
Cobleskill Friends Meeting Records
Records of Cobleskill Friends Meeting. Includes: Minutes, 1961-1963.
Coeymans Executive and Monthly Meetings (Hicksite) Records
Includes: minutes (men's & joint), 1799-1898, women's minutes, 1799-1867, births & deaths, 1761-1847/1828-1856, marriages, 1829-1867, marriage intentions, 1799-1867, minutes of the Meeting of Ministers & Elders, 1828-1862, and a treasurer's book, 1815-1830.
Coeymans Monthly Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Coeymans Monthly Meeting (Orthodox). Includes: Minutes 1828-1867; vital records 1799-1867; Ministers and Elders minutes 1808-1862.
Coeymans Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Includes: Minutes, 1828-1851.
Collins Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records of Collins Monthly Meeting (Hicksite), 1828-1851. Includes: Minutes 1828-1850, women's minutes, 1828-1851, Register 1814-1832 (includes Eden Monthly Meeting), and births & deaths, 1829-32.
Collins Monthly Meeting Records (including Concord and Hamburgh)
Collins Preparative Meeting (Orthodox) Records
Records of Collins Preparative Meeting (Orthodox), 1828-1879. Includes: Minutes 1828-1879, women's minutes, 1857-1874, and financial Records 1845-1858.
Conscience Bay Monthly Meeting Records
Includes: Minutes, treasurer's reports, and State of Society reports, 1961-1994, and copies of the newsletter, 1980 and 1995-2009.
Amy Grace Mekeel papers concerning Conservative Friends, New York Yearly Meeting
The collectionn contains Mekeel's notes and abstracts concerning Quaker meetings in the Scipio and Farmington Quarterly Meetings of New York Yearly Meeting, particularly concerning the various nineteenth century Orthodox separations. There is also a small group of correspondence focused on Quaker meeting records.
Constantia Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Constantia Preparative Meeting, 1853-1880. Includes: Minutes, 1853-1880, and women's minutes, 1853-1870. A List of Members, 1853, is contained in Verona Monthly Meeting marriages and removals, 1817-1852.