Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 256
Identifier: QM-Ph-A200
Scope and Contents
Records of Abington Monthly Meeting and its predecessors since 1670. Included of the Pre-Separation and Hicksite records: minutes of the men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women; minutes of the women's meeting; registers of births and deaths; marriage and membership records through the present day; certificates of removal, disownments, etc.; epistles received and other miscellaneous papers. Business minutes from 2018-2023 were deposited digitally.The...
1670 - 2023
Collection — othertype: SW/Ph/A220
Identifier: QM-Ph-A220
Scope and Contents
The original records of Abington Preparative Meeting -- pre-Separation, Hicksite, and Orthodox -- include minutes of men's, women's and joint business meetings as well as other records. Records of Abington Preparative Meeting include: men's minutes, 1786-1897 (H), 1827-1868 (O); women's minutes, 1787-1893 (H); women's account books, 1834-1874; school fund account books, 1773-1900 (H).
Identifier: QM-Ph-A250
Scope and Contents
Records of Abington Quarterly Meetings, 1786, include: Hicksite and United men’s minutes; Orthodox men’s minutes; Hicksite women's minutes; Orthodox women’s minutes; First-day School Union records; minutes of the Hicksite Meeting on Worship and Ministry, the Ministry and Counsel Committee, and of the Meeting of Ministers and Elders, Orthodox; Orthodox meeting financial records; minutes of the Abington Visitation Committee; minutes of the Gwynned Visitation Committee; minutes of the...
1786 - 2022
Identifier: QM-By
Scope and Contents
This collection, jointly housed at Haverford and Swarthmore Colleges, contains the records of the Pre-Separation, Hicksite, Orthodox, and United Baltimore Yearly Meetings.The Hicksite BYM (commonly known as Stony Run) records date from 1677-1967 and the Orthodox BYM (commonly known as Homewood) records date from 1671-1948. When the Separation schismed the Pre-Separation Baltimore Yearly Meeting, older records were maintained by one or the other branch, and only much later made...
Collection — othertype: SW/Ph/B200
Identifier: QM-Ph-B200
Scope and Contents
Records include burials (Bart, Pa.), 1831-1935; chart of marked graves at Bart, 1938; Hicksite minutes of the joint sessions, 1887-1925.
Identifier: QM-B-B463
Scope and Contents
Records of Bendersville Preparative Meeting, 1893-1905, including Men's Minutes, 1893-1903; Property Records, 1905; and Miscellaneous Papers, 1890-1891.
Identifier: QM-Ph-B520
Scope and Contents
Records of Birmingham Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends and its predecessors, ongoing. Records of the the pre-Separation, Hicksite, and post reunification meeting include: Minutes, 1815-2023; Women's minutes, 1827-1895; Worship & Ministry (and predecessor) records, 1924-2023; Overseers' minutes, 1941-1952; Vital records, 1770-2023; along with property records (including Burial Ground South), committee records, some minimal financial records in addition to...
1770 - 2024
Identifier: QM-Ph-B550
Scope and Contents
Records include: Hicksite and United minutes, 1869-1956; Hicksite women's minutes, 1869-1886 (included in Joint minutes, 1869-1903); Orthodox minutes, 1852-1921; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1886-1919; pre-Separation and Hicksite deeds and other property records, 1721-1903; Hicksite First Day School minutes, 1897-1949; miscellaneous papers, 1960; and Orthodox School Fund accounts, 1828-1845.
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-B700
Scope and Contents
Records of Bradford Monthly Meeting and of its pre-Separation predecessors, Bradford & Uwchlan Monthly Meeting, Bradford Monthly Meeting and Uwchlan Monthly Meeting (Hicksite), include: Minutes, 1880-1900/1954-2013; minutes of Uwchlan Monthly Meeting, 1828-1863; minutes of Bradford Monthly Meeting, 1828-1880; vital records, 1699-1921/1984-2006; women's minutes, 1828-1886. Also included are records of Bradford Monthly Meeting since 1724: Orthodox vital records, 1724-1908; minutes of the...
Collection — Multiple Containers
Identifier: QM-Ph-B730
Scope and Contents
Records include: minutes of the pre-Separation meeting, 1764-1824; a Hicksite membership list, 1894, contained in Bradford Monthly Meeting record book, 1828-1899; Orthodox men's minutes, 1828-1875; pre-Separation and Orthodox women's minutes, 1821-1844, 1907-1918; and Orthodox property deeds, 1820-1890.