Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11
Byberry Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: pre-Separation and Hicksite minutes of the Women's Meeting; minutes of the pre-Separation and Hicksite Ministry & Council committee and its predecessor, the Preparative Meeting of Ministers & Elders; pre-Separation and Hicksite vital records since 1726, including births, deaths, burials, marriage and membership records, certificates of removal, etc. as well as other types of records.
Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting (1933- ) Records
Records of Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting, 1932-2007, include: burials chart; marriage certificates, 1941-2000; memberships, removals, transfer, 1934-90s; joint minutes, 1932-2007; ministers and elders minutes, 1940-1942, 1953-1973; overseers minutes, 1959-1973.
Thomas Evans papers
Frankford Preparative Meeting Records
Germantown Preparative Meeting Records
Green Street Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Green Street Monthly Meeting (1775-2016) and its assorted subordinate meetings and organizations, including Greene Street Friends School and Fair Hill Meeting House and Burial Ground.
Green Street Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Green Street Preparative Meeting, 1814-1914, as follows: minutes of the Hicksite men's meeting and joint sessions, 1814-1846, 1850-1858,1875-1914, 1846-1850; Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1814-1827 and 1828-1902; Hicksite treasurer's book, 1849-1912; Hicksite school committee minutes, 1865-1877, 1884-1892, 1892-1904.
Monthly Meeting of Friends of Philadelphia (Arch Street Friends) Records
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Pre-Separation and Hicksite, 1682-1957) Records
Minutes of the men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women; registers of births and deaths; marriage certificates; membership lists and registers; removals issued and received, and other vital records; women's minutes; ministers and elders' minutes; financial and property papers; minutes and other papers of the Race Street First Day School; records of the Library Association of Friends of Philadelphia; and other miscellaneous papers.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Spruce Street (1833-1903) Records
Records of the Hicksite meeting include: vital records, 1833-1902; minutes, 1833-1903; women's minutes, 1833-1893; ministers and elders' minutes, 1834-1838 and 1845-1897; overseers' minutes, 1852-1871; account books and other financial records, 1834-1904; miscellaneous papers, 1782-1904.