Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 62
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Friends Temperance Association (1880-1949)
Records of the Friends Temperence Association of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1883-1943, include those of its Main Committee (1925-1939) and Executive Committee (1881-1925), as well as other Miscellaneous Papers (1893-1921) and its publication, "The Outlook" (1892-1898). Additional materials in the QM-Phy-750 collection which includes the successor temperance and alcohol problem committees.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Friends' Workcamp Program (1942-2015)
The Weekend Workcamps Program originated on the eve of World War II. It provides volunteers and opportunity to work in an inner city community, interact with neighbors, and dialog on peace and justice issues. Today the Friends' Workcamp Program operates under the auspices of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting's Standing Committee on Peace and Concerns. Records include minutes, reports, project files, correspondence, and other records from 1942 to the present.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: International Outreach Committee (1974-2016)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Joint Committee on Cooperation between Arch Street and Race Street (1930-1955)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Joint Committee on Indian Affairs and its predecessors (1795-1892)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Joint Committee on the Religious Life of Our Society (1944-1950)
In 3mo 1944, Rufus Jones published an article, "Are We Ready," in Friends Intelligencer. In response to his concern for deepening the spiritual life of the Religious Society of Friends, members of both the Race Street and Arch Street Philadelphia Yearly Meetings gathered six months later in the meeting house at 15th and Race Streets. Records include minutes, correspondence, and publications.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Library Services Group
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Meeting for Social Concerns (1969-1974)
The Meeting for Social Concerns began as the Committee for Social Concerns with a deliberately loose structure and open membership. It assumed direction of numerous social action committees within Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. After the Meeting for Social Concerns was laid down in 1974, these committees were placed under Coordinating Committee for Testimonies and Concerns (CCII).
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Meeting for Sufferings (1756-1910), Representative Committee (1828-1995), Interim Meeting (1996-2014), and Continuing Sessions (2015- )
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Ministry & Care and its predecessors
The Meeting on Worship and Ministry is a gathering of Friends in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting concerned with the spiritual life of the Society, which nurtures and assists Monthly Meetings and individuals with their spiritual and worship concerns.