Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11
American Friends Fellowship Council Records
Chester Friends Association (Chester, Pa.) Records
The Chester Friends Association was established in Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1901 as a society to study Quaker history and literature. This collection contains the record book of Chester Friends Association, a society to study Quaker history and literature. The volume contains minutes, constitution, and by-laws.
Emlen Family Papers
Edward W. Evans Papers
Edward Wyatt Evans (1882-1976) was a lifelong member of the Germantown (Pennsylvania) Monthly Meeting and was active in the Friends Peace Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. Evans was instrumental in the founding of the Fellowship of Reconciliation (Fellowship of Reconcilation), and was the executive secretary from 1916-1919. During the 1920s, he was also active in educational and peace programs of the Society of Friends.
Edward W. Evans Quaker Concerns Papers
Friends Association of Byberry Records
The Byberry Friends Association was a Quaker group which met monthly in Byberry, Pa, to hear papers on a variety of topics and to discuss issues of the day. This collection contains the records of the Friends Association of Byberry, 1900-1932.
Friends Sesqui-Centennial Commission
The Friends Sesqui-Centennial Commission was an organization involved with coordinating Quaker activities relating to the sesquicentennial celebration of the American Revolution in 1926 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The collection contains a minute book containing committee and treasurer's reports, registration books, printed material and other records.
Friends Social Union (Ambler, Pa.)
Friends Social Union was a Hicksite Quaker social club established in 1907 in Ambler, Pennsylvania. The collection contains minutes, 1907 1924.
Friends World Committee for Consultation. Section of the Americas Records
George M. Justice Memorandums, 1825-1861
George M. Justice was a successful Philadelphia merchant and important Hicksite Quaker. Beginning in 1825 until shortly before his death, he kept volumes of memorandum reflecting his thoughts on religion, the Hicksite Separation and its aftermath in Philadelphia, family information, astronomy, slavery, and other topics.