Showing Collections: 181 - 190 of 324
Pennsdale and Muncy Monthly Meetings Records
Records of Pennsdale Monthly Meeting, Muncy Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), and its pre-Separation predecessor, 1765-1930, include: vital records, 1765-1887; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1799-1930, 1938-1949; Orthodox women’s minutes, 1799-1921; miscellaneous papers, 1785-1980; minutes and other papers of the Old Scholars Association of the Friends' School at Pennsdale, 1905-1918, etc.
Pennsgrove Monthly Meeting Records
Records of the Pennsgrove Monthly Meeting, 1833-1968, include: vital records (including births, deaths, removals, marriages, membership, etc.), 1841-1968; Hicksite men’s minutes 1842-1952; Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1842-1884; Hicksite minister’s and elder’s minutes, 1896-1917; miscellaneous property records, 1833-1898; miscellaneous papers, 1951-ca.1952.
Pennsgrove Preparative Meeting Records
Records of the Hicksite Preparative Meeting as follows: minutes,1829-1944 and 1944-1951; First Day school minutes, 1896-1898 and 1900-1909.
Pennsylvania Yearly Meeting of Progressive Friends records
Philadelphia General Meeting (1946-1954) Records
Records of Philadelphia General Meeting, an annual meeting of members of both Philadelphia Yearly Meetings from 1946-1954. Also includes minutes, correspondence, and other records of joint committees involved in the process of the reunification of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting .
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Northern District (1772-1914) Records
Records of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Northern District include: vital records 1754-1914; men’s and joint meeting minutes, 1772-1914; women's minutes, 1772-1914; financial records 1797-1966; property records 1684-1914; committee records 1821-1914; miscellaneous, 1772-1914.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Pre-Separation and Hicksite, 1682-1957) Records
Minutes of the men's meeting and later, of joint sessions with women; registers of births and deaths; marriage certificates; membership lists and registers; removals issued and received, and other vital records; women's minutes; ministers and elders' minutes; financial and property papers; minutes and other papers of the Race Street First Day School; records of the Library Association of Friends of Philadelphia; and other miscellaneous papers.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Southern District (1772-1872) Records
Records of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting for the Southern District include: births, 1733-1872; deaths, 1773-1872; marriages, 1773-1872; membership, 1773-1855; removals, 1773-1872; men’s and joint meeting minutes, 1772-1872; women's minutes, 1772-1872; miscellaneous, 1771-1872.
Philadelphia Monthly Meeting, Spruce Street (1833-1903) Records
Records of the Hicksite meeting include: vital records, 1833-1902; minutes, 1833-1903; women's minutes, 1833-1893; ministers and elders' minutes, 1834-1838 and 1845-1897; overseers' minutes, 1852-1871; account books and other financial records, 1834-1904; miscellaneous papers, 1782-1904.