Showing Collections: 251 - 260 of 324
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Prison Service Committee (1958-1976)
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Quaker Fund for Indigenous Communities and its predecessors (Indian Committee, Friendly Association) (1795- )
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Records Services Group and its predecessors (c. 1887-2005)
Records of the Records Services Group, 1887-1979, include its Minutes () as well as accounts (1931-1978), correspondence () and miscellaneous () especially as relating to the microfilming of records.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Religious Education Committees
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Standing Nominating Committee
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Support and Outreach Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Support and Outreach Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1997-2003.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Women's Problems Group (1917-1969)
Records of the Women's Problem Group of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1949-1961.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Records: Worship and Care Standing Committee (1998-2015)
Records of the Worship and Care Standing Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998-2003.
Pikeland Preparative Meeting Records
Includes: minutes of the men's meeting, 1838-1854; deed, 1834.
Plumstead Friends Meeting (2002- ) Records
Records include: minutes, 2002-2017; miscellaneous records, 2002; Worship Group records, 1990-2001. Plumstead Monthly Meeting Records also include records kept by the group prior to its establishment as a monthly meeting. Plumstead Worship Group began meeting regularly for worship in 1989 and began holding regular business meetings in 1996 under care of Buckingham Monthly Meeting.