Showing Collections: 281 - 290 of 324
Schuylkill Monthly, Preparative, and Indulged Meetings Records (including Charlestown Meeting)
Shamokin Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Hicksite minutes, 1854-1859.
Solebury Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Solebury Monthly Meeting, 1785-2006. Includes: minutes, 1811-1999; vital records, 1813-1949; women's meeting minutes, 1811-1886; Ministers and Elders minutes, 1811-1829; deeds and other property records, 1799-1957;as well as miscellaneous papers, 1766-2006.
Solebury Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Minute books of the pre-Separation and Hicksite men's meeting 1806-1885; women's pre-Separation and Hicksite meeting minutes, 1806-1883; subscription list for meeting house, 1805 6mo 4.
Southampton Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: Minutes of the united meeting, 1947-1993.
Springfield Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: Orthodox and United minutes, 1948-1977; minutes of the United Worship and Ministry Committee and of its predecessor, the Orthodox Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1949-1967; papers of Springfield Burial Ground Committee, 1840-1967; correspondence and bills relating to addition to meeting house, 1958-1961.
Springfield Preparative Meeting Records
Records of the Orthodox preparative meeting and of its predecessor, the pre-Separation preparative meeting, 1703-1912, as follows: minutes, 1818-1839, 1882-1903; women's minutes, 1840-1852; record of membership, 1881-1887; account books and other financial records, 1864-1899; deeds and other property records, 1703-1909; miscellaneous papers, 1825-1842.
Spruce Street Preparative Meeting Records
Records of the Hicksite preparative meeting include: Minutes of the men's meeting and joint sessions, 1867-1894, and minutes of the women's meeting, 1843-1893.
State College Friends Records
Records include: Minutes (with gaps) of the Independent and United Monthly Meeting for Business since 1925 through 2023; Membership records, 1932-1994; Visitors' Register, 1927-1966; Newsletters, 1953-2019, and Spiritual State of the Meeting reports and BYM apportionment responses.
Stroudsburg Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Stroudsburg Monthly Meeting, 1758-1839, include: vital records, 1758-1839; men's minutes, 1815-1839; women's minutes, 1815-1839; Ministers and Elders' minutes, 1815-1839.