Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 324
Green Street Monthly Meeting Records
Records of Green Street Monthly Meeting (1775-2016) and its assorted subordinate meetings and organizations, including Greene Street Friends School and Fair Hill Meeting House and Burial Ground.
Green Street Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Green Street Preparative Meeting, 1814-1914, as follows: minutes of the Hicksite men's meeting and joint sessions, 1814-1846, 1850-1858,1875-1914, 1846-1850; Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1814-1827 and 1828-1902; Hicksite treasurer's book, 1849-1912; Hicksite school committee minutes, 1865-1877, 1884-1892, 1892-1904.
Gwynedd Monthly Meeting Records
Gwynedd Preparative Meeting Records
Records of Gwynedd Preparative Meeting, 1784-1974, as follows: Hicksite and United men’s minutes, 1798-1974; Orthodox men’s minutes, 1827-1852; Hicksite women's minutes, 1798-1892; minutes and other papers of Gwynedd First Day School, 1881-1936; account books and other financial records, 1784-1910; property records, 1807-1808; account books of Gwynedd Friends' School trustees, 1822-1892.
Harrisburg Monthly Meeting Records
Records include minutes of the Harrisburg Society of Friends and Harrisburg Monthly Meeting, 1928-1934 and since 1941; an account book, 1909-1960; membership lists for 1955 and 1957; and miscellaneous records, including Clerk's files, 1989-1993, records of the Building Renovation Committee, 1993-1997, and Bequest Committee records, 1986-1989.
Haverford Monthly Meeting of Friends Records
Records of Haverford Monthly Meeting, 1838-2002, include: records of burials, 1838-1977; marriage and membership records, 1904-2002; men’s and joint meeting minutes, 1904-1996; women's minutes, 1904-1910; Ministers and Elders and Worship and Ministry minutes, 1905-1969; account books, 1905-1958; property records, 1834-1982.
Haverford Preparative Meeting Records
Haverford Quarterly Meeting Records
Records of Haverford Quarterly Meeting, 1955-ongoing, as follows: minutes, 1955-64, & 1988-98, 2001-06, and Clerk's correspondence, 1993-98.
Homeville Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Hicksite minutes, 1877-1917; papers of the Homeville Cemetery Company, 1914-1915.