Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 324
Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting (1933- ) Records
Records of Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting, 1932-2007, include: burials chart; marriage certificates, 1941-2000; memberships, removals, transfer, 1934-90s; joint minutes, 1932-2007; ministers and elders minutes, 1940-1942, 1953-1973; overseers minutes, 1959-1973.
Chichester Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: pre-Separation men's meeting minutes, 1804-1813; Hicksite women's minutes, 1843-1899; a pre-Separation account book, 1781-1875; pre-Separation trustees' minutes, 1802-1823.
Columbia Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: minutes of the Orthodox men's meeting, 1819-29; Orthodox women's minutes, 1812-29; pre-Separation and Hicksite vital records, 1814-1827.
Concord and Chester Quarterly Meetings Records
Concord Monthly Meeting Records
Pre-Separation, Hicksite, Orthodox and United records include: Minutes since 1684; vital records since 1679; women's meeting minutes, 1715-1902; property records; financial records, and miscellaneous papers, 1776-1801 and 1959-2011.
The volume of manumissions has been digitized and is available online; born-digital financial records 1999-2011 are available to on-campus users only.
Concord Preparative Meeting Records
Records include: Minutes of the pre-Separation women's meeting, 1813-1819; a pre-Separation subscription book, 1810-1813. Minutes of the Hicksite men's meeting and later, of joint sessions of men and women Friends, 1850-1914; minutes of the Hicksite women's meeting, 1850-1877; Minutes of the pre-Separation men's meeting, 1807-1827; minutes of the Orthodox men's meeting, 1827-1834; school fund account book, 1786-1827; poor fund account book, 1791-1826.
Crosslands Worship Group Records
Records of Crosslands Worship Group, 1978-2013. Includes minutes, 1979-2013, membership lists, 1979-2002, annual reports, 1978-2003, and miscellaneous records.
Darby Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: minutes since 1684; vital records since 1670; women's minutes; ministers and elders' minutes; financial and property records, etc. Records include a digitized minute book (held by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania) and a digital press release related to Darby Meeting's history with the Underground Rail Road.
Darby Preparative Meeting (Hicksite) Records
Records include: pre-Separation Hicksite women's meeting minutes, 1801-1808 and 1827-1891, and minutes of the joint sessions of men and women Hicksite friends, 1891-1898.