Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 50
Jacob R. Elfreth Jr. diaries
Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. diaries
Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. was a teacher and a bookkeeper for the Leigh Navigation Company. The majority of entries detail family news, Quaker meetings, Elfreth's work with the Leigh Navigation Company, and births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community,
Thomas Evans papers
Fair Hill Burial Ground
Frankford Monthly Meeting Records
Records of the Orthodox branch of Frankford Monthly Meeting, 1788-1987, include: vital records, 1788-2005; men’s minutes, 1816-2005; women’s minutes, 1816-1915; ministers’ and elders’ minutes, 1816-1970; financial records, 1831-1934; overseers’ records, 1904-1990s; school committee records, 1840s-1999.
Frankford Preparative Meeting Records
Friends Association of Byberry Records
The Byberry Friends Association was a Quaker group which met monthly in Byberry, Pa, to hear papers on a variety of topics and to discuss issues of the day. This collection contains the records of the Friends Association of Byberry, 1900-1932.
Friends Burial Ground, Philadelphia records
Handwritten records related to the establishment of the Friends Burial Ground in Philadelphia.
Friends Historical Association records
The collection contains records of meeting minutes, correspondence, financial statements, information concerning the Conference for Quaker Historians and Archivists, details about various committes within the association, publications and publicity, events, and miscellaneous materials of the Friends Historical Association.