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Aimwell School records

Identifier: HC.MC-1183

The Aimwell School in Philadelphia was founded in 1796 by Anne Parrish (1760-1800) for the purpose of providing "a good English education" in the primary and grammar grades for underprivileged girls. It was instituted by the Society for the Free Instruction of Female Children and operated under the management of the Society of Friends.

Dates: 1796-1935

"Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography"

Identifier: HC.MC-975-07-010

The manuscript of Gergory Barnes's "Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House: A Biography" provides a history of Philadelphia's Arch Street Meeting House from the purchase of the land by William Penn in 1683, to the present, including important Quaker individuals, the influence of Philadelphia's history on the Meeting House, the Orthodox-Hicksite separation, and the Wilburite-Gurneyites.

Dates: 2011

Earnest Workers records

Identifier: HC.MC-950-062

This collection is comprised of the minutes and annual reports for the Earnest Workers of Philadelphia.

Dates: 1901-1904

Jacob R. Elfreth Jr. diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-020
Abstract The diaries of Jacob R. Elfreth Jr., a Quaker merchant, elder, and minister. Early diaries, from 1861 to 1867, focus on military movement and battles during the Civil War, reactions to President Lincoln's assassination, and the political tensions during the aftermath of the war. The majority of entries detail day-to-day activities, family news, news of Elfreth's carpet business, attendance at Quaker meetings, social calls, accounts of weather, and births, deaths, and marriages within the...
Dates: 1861-1924

Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-019

Jacob R. Elfreth Sr. was a teacher and a bookkeeper for the Leigh Navigation Company. The majority of entries detail family news, Quaker meetings, Elfreth's work with the Leigh Navigation Company, and births, deaths, and marriages within the Quaker community,

Dates: 1814-1870

Elfreth, Morris, Satterthwaite families

Identifier: HC.MC-1227

Thomas Evans papers

Identifier: HC.MC.1324
Abstract This collection contains over 240 mainly incoming manuscript letters addressed to Thomas Evans, a Philadelphia druggist, author, editor, Orthodox Quaker minister of Philadelphia and, in 1833, one the founders of Haverford College. The letters, 1823-1859, contain material on his very active role in the Society of Friends and the problems of religious doctrine before and during the Hicksite and Wilburite schisms within the Quaker faith. The collection also includes papers and legal documents...
Dates: 1704 - 1868; Majority of material found within 1823 - 1859

Friends Burial Ground, Philadelphia records

Identifier: HC.MC-950-074

Handwritten records related to the establishment of the Friends Burial Ground in Philadelphia.

Dates: 1810

Friends Historical Association records

Identifier: HC.MC-901

The collection contains records of meeting minutes, correspondence, financial statements, information concerning the Conference for Quaker Historians and Archivists, details about various committes within the association, publications and publicity, events, and miscellaneous materials of the Friends Historical Association.

Dates: 1873-2012

Leeds and Maule family genealogy

Identifier: HC.MC-975-10-004
Scope and Contents

This collection is composed of one original book and a set of photocopied indices. The book is handwritten, and along with the genealogy includes many glued in photos, newspaper obituaries, and several genealogies or family trees of Leeds families. The set of indices is presented as an index for the family genealogy, and was compiled in 1947 by Morris Leeds.

Dates: 1947, undated

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  • Subject: Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources X

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Quakers -- History 8
Quakers 7
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 5
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 5
diaries 4
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Elfreth, Jacob R. Jr., 1837-1924 2
Elfreth, Jacob R., Sr., 1789-1870 2
Haverford College 2
Aimwell School (Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Barnes, Gregory Allen, Sir 1