Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 10
A Quaker Action Group Records
Nicholas Hallock papers
Hull family papers
The collection contains papers of the George Hull family of Gasport, New York. It includes sermons by George Hull dated 1913, miscellaneous Gasport Friends Church notices, 1910-1930; acknowledgements for donations to Friends Relief Mission, 1920-1921; family prohibition concert poster and other temperance ephemera; postcards of Quaker meeting houses; and miscellaneous material.
Ann Jones Papers
This collection contains letters and other manuscripts relating to visits of English Friends to America in the 1820s and the controversies which led to the Hicksite-Orthodox Separation. Also included are letters from Elizabeth Rathbone, Liverpool, England, to "My Beloved Uncle;" Joseph Bringhurst, Philadelphia, to "My Esteemed Friend;" also Abel Thomas to Thomas and Mary Wistar (copy) as well as some miscellaneous Quaker papers.
Robert Levering Papers
Robert E. Levering is a pacifist and Quaker. He has been the co-author of Fortune magazine's annual list of the "100 Best Companies to Work For," and a speaker on workplace trends and management strategies aimed at improving workplace productivity. Levering is a graduate of Swarthmore College and the Martin Luther King Jr. School of Social Change.
Macedonia Cooperative Community Records
Richard Price correspondence with John Watson
Leon A. Rushmore collection of New York Yearly Meeting miscellaneous papers
This collection of miscellaneous papers collected by Leon A. Rushmore includes several religious essays or sermons, a copy of Nicholas Waln's 1772 prayer, and an undated address "To the great Sachems and Chief of the [missing] sitting around the Counsill at new york" possibly transcribed from dictation.
Thomas Willis writings relating to the Separation and Quaker testimonies
Young People's Peace Conference transcript
Contains the transcript of the Young People's Peace Conference sponsored by the Joint Peace Committee of New York Quakers in 1933. Chief speakers were Frederick J. Libby, Paul Harris, Jr., Edmund B. Chaffee, Alden G. Alley, Sidney E. Goldstein, and Norman Thomas.