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Jane Addams Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-001

A world-famous social reformer; co-founded the first settlement house in America in 1889; championed many causes on behalf of the urban poor, such as protection of immigrants, child labor laws, industrial safety, juvenile courts, and recognition of labor unions; a leading figure in the movement for international peace; awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.

Dates: 1838-; Majority of material found within 1880-1935

Emergency Peace Campaign Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-012
Abstract Initiated in late 1935 by the American Friends Service Committee and other pacifists; originally planned as a two-year campaign to rally peace, religious, labor, African-American and student groups; aim was to organize a national campaign to promote peace principles in the face of preparation for war in Europe, and to keep the United States out of war; may have been preceded by the Emergency Peace Committee (1931-1933), though this has not been documented. The first EPC office opened in...
Dates: 1936-1937

Hannah Clothier Hull Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-016
Abstract Hannah Clothier Hull (1872-1958), was one of the founders of the Woman's Peace Party and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. She served as a national officer of the WILPF for nearly forty years. Hull was also active in other social reform movements. A member of a well-to-do Quaker family, Hannah Clothier graduated from Swarthmore College in 1891. She first worked at a Philadelphia settlement house and then entered the graduate program in social work at Bryn Mawr College....
Dates: 1889-1958

Edwin D. Mead and Lucia Ames Mead Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-021
Abstract Edwin D. Mead (1849-1937), and Lucia Ames Mead (1856-1936), were both leading pacifists, writers, and social reformers of the U.S. and international peace movement. Edwin Mead directed the work of the World Peace Foundation and participated in many international peace congresses. He was an American delegate to the International Peace Bureau. Mead helped found the School Peace League and was a prominent member of the American Peace League. Lucia Ames Mead was a leading member of many feminist...
Dates: 1876-1938

Peoples Mandate Committee Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-109
Abstract Peoples Mandate to Governments to End War was an international campaign begun on September 6, 1935, by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to express such overwhelming opposition to war that governments would not dare resort to it as a means of solving disputes between nations. By the end of the decade the Peoples Mandate became an independent organization, headed by Mabel Vernon, and focused on peace and connections between women and women's organizations in the...
Dates: 1935-1975; Majority of material found within 1935-1956

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom Records

Identifier: SCPC-DG-043
Abstract Includes minutes, resolutions and general historical records; anniversary celebrations, committee minutes, literature and releases; office files from the legislative office, the finance and the executive director; includes miscellaneous records from branches, including New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, among others; a large correspondence file includes general office correspondence as well as that of the National Organizational Secretary, the Washington Legislative Secretary, and...
Dates: 1915-

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  • Subject: United States X
  • Names: Hull, Hannah Clothier, 1872-1958 X

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Pacifists -- United States -- History -- Sources 4
Peace movements -- United States -- History -- Sources 4
Women and peace -- History -- Sources 4
Peace -- Societies, etc. -- History -- Sources 3
Women and peace -- United States -- History -- Sources 2
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Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 5
Catt, Carrie Chapman, 1859-1947 5
Mead, Lucia True Ames, 1856-1936 4
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom. International Office 4
Detzer, Dorothy, 1893-1981 3
∨ more
Hamilton, Alice, 1869-1970 3
Schwimmer, Rosika, 1877-1948 3
Woolley, Mary Emma, 1863-1947 3
Abbott, Grace, 1878-1939 2
Baer, Gertrude 2
Blake, Katherine Devereux, 1858-1950 2
Brinton, Ellen Starr, 1886-1954 2
Doty, Madeleine Z. (Madeleine Zabriskie), 1877-1963 2
Drevet, Camille 2
Forbes, Rose Dabney, 1864-1947 2
Heymann, Lida Gustava, 1868-1943 2
Jordan, David Starr, 1851-1931 2
National Council of Women of the United States 2
Post, Alice Thacher, 1853-1947 2
Rankin, Jeannette, 1880-1973 2
Shelley, Rebecca, 1887-1984 2
Starr, Ellen Gates 2
Thomas, Norman, 1884-1968 2
Vernon, Mabel 2
Wald, Lillian D., 1867-1940 2
Wales, Julia Grace, 1881- 2
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856-1924 2
Woman's Peace Party 2
Woods, Amy 2
Abbott, Edith, 1876-1957 1
Addams, John Huy, 1822?-1881 1
Allen, Devere, 1891-1955 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
American Peace League 1
Angell, Norman, 1874-1967 1
Armstrong, Florence A. (Florence Arzelia), 1881-1962 1
Arnett, Katharine M. (Katharine McCollin) 1
Art for World Friendship (Organization) 1
Baber, Zonia 1
Blackwell, Alice Stone, 1857-1950 1
Bok, Edward William, 1863-1930 1
Bowen, Louise de Koven, 1859- 1
Boyer, Gaeta Wold 1
Breckinridge, Sophonisba P. (Sophonisba Preston), 1866-1948 1
Burke, Ana del Pulgar 1
Bussey, Gertrude Carman, 1888-1961 1
Butler, Smedley D. (Smedley Darlington), 1881-1940 1
Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 1888-1957 1
Camp, Kay 1
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 1
Chalmers, Ruth 1
Committee for World Development and World Disarmament 1
Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments (1932-1934) (Geneva, Switzerland) 1
Dewey, John, 1859-1952 1
Douglas, Paul H. (Paul Howard), 1892-1976 1
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 1
Dudley, Helena Stuart 1
Eastman, Crystal, 1881-1928 1
Eichelberger, Clark M. (Clark Mell), 1896-1980 1
Elliot, Martha Helen 1
Ely, Richard T. (Richard Theodore), 1854-1943 1
Emergency Peace Campaign (U.S.) 1
Fey, Harold E. (Harold Edward), 1898-1990 1
Fisher, Dorothy Canfield, 1879-1958 1
Fisher, Katharine Ward 1
Fosdick, Harry Emerson 1
Fowler, Eleanor 1
Frank, Libby 1
Gale, Zona, 1874-1938 1
Glücklich, Vilma 1
Hertzka, Yella, 1873-1948 1
Hinton, Carma 1
Holmes, John Haynes, 1879-1964 1
Hommel, Dorothy O. 1
Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 1
Hudson, Manley O. (Manley Ottmer), 1886-1960 1
Hughan, Jessie Wallace, 1875-1955 1
Hull, Cordell, 1871-1955 1
Hull-House (Chicago, Ill.) 1
Ickes, Harold L. (Harold LeClair), 1874-1952 1
International Peace Bureau 1
Ivey, Anne 1
Jacobs, Aletta H. (Aletta Henriette), 1854-1929 1
James, Ada L. 1
James, William, 1842-1910 1
Jane Addams Peace Association 1
Johnson, Edwin C. (Edwin Carl), 1884-1970 1
Jōdai, Tano, 1886-1982 1
Kelley, Florence, 1859-1932 1
Kellogg, Paul Underwood, 1879-1958 1
Kellor, Frances, 1873-1952 1
La Follette, Robert M. (Robert Marion), 1855-1925 1
Landon, Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman), 1887-1987 1
Lathrop, Julia Clifford, 1858-1932 1
Lewis, Lucy Biddle, 1861- 1
Libby, Faith Ward, 1902- 1
Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970 1
Lloyd, Lola Maverick, 1875-1944 1
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