Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 13
Devere Allen Papers
Author, editor, journalist and lecturer; advocate of internationalist pacifism; influential member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s; genealogist; recorder of Rhode Island history and lore; named Harold Devere Allen.
American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace Collected Records
The People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace grew out of the First American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace, held in New York, May 1917. It was organized to work for an early and liberal peace at the end of the World War. It favored world organizations and disapproved of conscription.
American Union Against Militarism Records
Ellen Starr Brinton Papers
Ellen Starr Brinton (1886-1954), Quaker, feminist and internationalist, served as the first curator of the Jane Addams Peace Collection (later the Swarthmore College Peace Collection) from 1935 until her retirement in 1951.
Committee for Peaceful Alternatives Collected Records
Dorothy Detzer Papers
Dorothy Detzer was a peace activist, writer, and lobbyist. She served as the National Executive Secretary of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924-1946.. Detzer influenced a Congressional investigation of the munitions industry, 1934-1936, and later wrote the book Appointment on the Hill, 1948, describing her two decades in Washington, D.C.
Emergency Peace Campaign Records
Emergency Peace Federation Collected Records
The Emergency Peace Federation was organized to oppose U.S. drift into the the first world war. In July 1917 the Federation merged with the People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace.
Edwin D. Mead and Lucia Ames Mead Papers
George Nasmyth and Florence Nasmyth Papers
George W. Nasmyth was educated at Cornell, Berlin, Gottingen, Heidelburg and Zurich. He dedicate his life to the cause of international understanding and peace. In 1919, he attended the Paris Peace Conference, and to organize the first meeting since the outbreak of the war of the World Alliance for Friendship Through the Churches. He died of a typhus infection at the age of 39, on September 20, 1920. Florence Nasmyth was a writer on peace issues.