Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 1085
Katherine Devereux Blake Collected Papers
Katherine Devereux Blake was a suffragist and peace activist through the first half of the twentieth century. She was a member of the Ford Peace Expedition in 1915-1916, served on the national board of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and its international executive board, and was the chief speaker for the Disarmament Caravan, which toured 9,000 miles in 1931.
Charles Bloomstein Collected Papers
Charles Bloomstein (1913 - 2002) was involved in a number of organizations that promoted civil rights, as well as peace. He was a conscientious objector during World War II, and served in Civilian Public Service (CPS) for three years.
Albert Bofman Collected Papers
Jack Bollens Collected Papers
Jack Bollens was a conscientious objector who worked in the peace movement in the 1960s and 1970s.
Douglas Borgstedt cartoons
Political cartoons by Douglas Borgstadt, 1965-1982, concerning the United States and world politics of the late 1960's and 1970's. Major themes include communism, diplomacy, war, and government corruption or ineptitude. Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, and Henry Kissinger are frequently featured.
Boston Draft Resistance Group Collected Records
The Boston Draft Resistance Group offered draft counseling and organized opposition to the Vietnam War in the Boston (Massachusetts) area.
Elise Boulding Collected Papers
Kenneth E. Boulding Collected Papers
Randolph Silliman Bourne Collected Papers
Sarah Upton Bowerman diary
The diary begins with a description of Bowerman's childhood and early adulthood. Entries are composed of religious reflection, descriptions of meetings attended in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, family news, and social calls.