Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 1085
Jane Addams Papers
A world-famous social reformer; co-founded the first settlement house in America in 1889; championed many causes on behalf of the urban poor, such as protection of immigrants, child labor laws, industrial safety, juvenile courts, and recognition of labor unions; a leading figure in the movement for international peace; awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931.
Agape Foundation Records
The Agape Foundation was a non-profit public foundation, which raised and distributed funds to groups working for nonviolent social change. From its formation in 1969 by a group of pacifists and anti-war activists in Palo Alto, California, the Agape Foundation provided millions of dollars to nonviolent, grassroots organizations throughout the western United States. It was headquartered in San Francisco. In 2010 the Agape Foundation merged with the Peace Development Fund.
Ahimsa Farm Collected Records
Ahmed Evans must be saved
This collection consists of 2 flyers, "Save Ahmed Evans" and "Ahmed Evans Must Be Set Free!" from September 1969. The fliers were likely sponsored, produced, and distributed in New York City by the Committee to Save Ahmed Evans, who wanted his death sentance commuted.
Ailanthus Collected Records
The collection consists primarily of printed material; includes flyers, notes from meetings, newspaper clippings, photographs, banners, legal briefs, publicity materials, and reference files. Also includes a memoir by Robert W. Hillegass about the making of the play "Handy Dandy" by William Gibson which draws heavily on Ailanthus courtroom experience and spirituality.
Fay Ajzenberg-Selove papers
The collection consists of the 1947-1950 correspondence between Fay Ajzenberg-Selove and Louis Leprince-Ringue pertaining to her translation of his book "Les Rayons Cosmiques" (The Cosmic Rays) and a 1991 copy of Ajzenberg-Selove's memoir typescript.
Hans Albrecht manuscript
This manuscript reports Hans Albrecht's visit to the United States from Germany in 1926, written in German. Sections of the report include topics such as, "factory farms and workers questions," "politics," "prohibition," "school and culture," and "the negro problem."
Horace Gundry Alexander Papers
Horace Alexander was born in England in 1889 and died in the United States in 1989. As a life-long member of the Religious Society of Friends, he was interested in Indian rights and worked with Gandhi and others for many years to lobby for it. He wrote books about Gandhi and other subjects.
All American Friends Conference (Oskaloosa, Ia.) Records
All American Friends Conference (1929) was a conference of Quakers from the United States and Canada which was held in Oskaloosa, Iowa, in September 1929. This collection contains a journal kept by Rebecca Thomas Miller, program, list of participants, pictures, and other records relating to the Conference.
Devere Allen Papers
Author, editor, journalist and lecturer; advocate of internationalist pacifism; influential member of the Socialist Party in the 1930s; genealogist; recorder of Rhode Island history and lore; named Harold Devere Allen.