Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 73
Christian Women's Peace Movement Collected Records
Civilian Training Unit for Women Collected Records
Codepink Collected Records
Includes letters, flyers, reports, printed emails, and materials from local branches.
Collected records of the Woman's Peace Party : [microform]
Dorothy Detzer Papers
Dorothy Detzer was a peace activist, writer, and lobbyist. She served as the National Executive Secretary of the U.S. Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, 1924-1946.. Detzer influenced a Congressional investigation of the munitions industry, 1934-1936, and later wrote the book Appointment on the Hill, 1948, describing her two decades in Washington, D.C.
Camille Drevet Collected Papers
Mimeographed writings, statements on the Soviet Union and the international situation; Swiss Security Service report on Drevet (1933); pamphlets by Drevet.
Fellowship of Peace Collected Records
Lella Secor Florence Papers
Lella Secor Florence became a pacifist while serving as a journalist on the Henry Ford Peace Expedition (1915-1916) and then participated in several peace organizations focused on keeping the United States out of World War I. She was active in the British section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom and in the birth control movement there and wrote Birth Control on Trial.