Showing Collections: 101 - 110 of 153
Rebecca Peirce commonplace book
The commonplace book of Rebecca Peirce includes excerpts of letters on friendship, prayers, extracts from the writing of William Grover, extracts of a letter from Samuel Fothergill, and extracts from Sherwood's "Lady of the Manor."
John Pemberton manuscript
This manuscript provides a brief biographical sketch of John Pemberton, and contains excerpts from his journals and letters from his religious visit in England in 1750.
William Penn facsimilies
This collection is comprised of the single volume of the facsimiles of the papers of William and Hannah Penn, including correspondence and deeds.
Samuel Pennock letterbook
This collection is comprised of the single volume letterbook of Samuel Pennock. In addition to correspondence, the volume includes various other materials, including clippings, illustrations, and signatures of 19th century figures, including Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Anna Dickinson, William Still, and John Greenleaf Whittier.
Pennsylvania History Press letterbook
This collection is comprised of the single volume letterbook of the Pennsylvania History Press, and includes the business correspondence of the organization. Many of the letters are addressed to various members of the press, including Arthur H. Thomas, Richard T. Cadbury, Rayner W. Kelsey, and Arthur N. Leeds. Pasted into the front cover of the volume is a pamphlet entitled "At the Forks of the Delaware, 1794-1811," published by the Pennsylvania History Press.
Pennsylvania Society Promoting Public Economy records
This collection is comprised of the accounts of the treasurer of the Pennsylvania Society for Promoting Public Economy (1818-1819), correspondence (1818), and checks (1818).
Sansom Perot papers
This collection is comprised of the correspondence, financial records, and legal records of Sansom Perot Morris. The collection includes hand drawn maps of property, copies of Sansom Perot's will, loose financial documents, rent contracts, deeds, and correspondence.
Pike family papers
Collection contains letters, memorials, commonplace books, and miscellaneous items of the Pike family, especially Sarah Pike, and letters of Thomas Scattergood to his son, Alfred Scattergood.
Annie Pim commonplace book
The commonplace book of Annie Pim Cope, a Quaker, includes poetry and extracts of literature and correspondence, mainly religious in nature.
Thomas C. Potts correspondence
This collection is comprised of the personal correspondence of Thomas C. Potts. Many of the letters are written from Potts to Ethel, his wife, while he was traveling with the American Friends Service Committee in 1920.