Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 607
Stephen G. Cary collection
This collection contains the personal materials of Stephen G. Cary and historical materials collected by Cary about his relatives.
Central Employment Association (Philadelphia, Pa.) Records
The Central Employment Association, a women's charity, was established circa 1840 in Philadelphia by Hicksite Quakers as the Northern Female Association for the Relief of the Sick and Infirm Poor. The collection contains the charter and by-laws, work and financial records, and correspondence, 1840-1942.
Harold J. Chance papers
Kenneth Chao correspondence
This collection is comprised of two letters between Kenneth Chao and Dr. Howard Comfort.
Chapman family correspondence
Isaac Chapman letterbook
Contains business correspondence, particularly related to the buying and selling of real estate, and information related to financial accounts and investments. Letter writers include Henry R. Fell, James Buchanan, Edward Roberts, James Barten, E.W. Clark, Joseph Satterthwaite, Thomas Miller, Ellwood Lewis, Charles Meyers, Benjamin Scattergood, and William Hill.
George Howland Chase letter and associated materials
The collection contains a letter written by George Howland Chase to his parents while he was at Haverford College.
Thomas Herbert Chase letters
This collection contains letters written by Thomas Herbert Chase while he was a student at Haverford College.
Thomas Chase papers
Correspondence, portraits, photographs, clippings, articles, addresses, lecture notes, diary, and miscellaneous papers related to Thomas Chase (1827-1892), his family, and his years at Haverford as professor and president of the College.