Showing Collections: 11 - 16 of 16
Benjamin Hayes Smith diary
The diary covers Benjamin Hayes Smith’s time at Haverford and his expereinces during the American Civil War. Entries include informaiton on the Haverford Loganian Society (1856-1859), Haverford Euethean Association (1856-1859), the Haverford Athenaeum (1856-1859), and the Battle of Stones River (December 31, 1862), in Tennessee.
Strawbridge Family papers
A window into the lives of two 19th century Quaker families, the Hackers and Morrises, in part recording a journey in the Quaker ministry as well as events of the Civil War.
Turner Family Papers
Updegraff Family papers
Letters; diaries; genealogical material; land grants signed by Presidents John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, and Franklin Pierce; and other papers of the Updegraff family, mainly those of David B. Updegraff, which provide a picture of Quakerism in 19th-century Ohio.
Walker-Conard-Cowgill Family Papers
Wood Family Papers
The Wood Family Papers contains papers from a Quaker family active in 19th century New York City Friends affairs, compiled by M. S. (Mary Sutton) Wood. Included are business correspondence concerning the printing house founded by Samuel Wood and his sons, correspondence from prominent Friends concerning work for social causes including abolition, freedmen, prisoners, First Day schools, and peace, and genealogical material, writings, and reminiscences by Mary S. Wood.