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Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 95

Hunn-Karsner Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-322
Abstract The collection contains correspondence, writings, and other papers of the family of Ezekiel Hunn and Lydia Jones Sharpless Hunn, Philadelphia and Delaware Quakers. The papers were compiled by their granddaughter Katherine Hunn Karsner (1899-1993). She was a Philadelphia Quaker minister and married Joseph Reed Karsner in 1930 under the care of Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Hicksite). The bulk of the collection is composed of correspondence from their daughter, Mary Ann Karsner Kegler...
Dates: 1809 - 1985; Majority of material found within 1947 - 1974

Ann Paschall Jackson Family Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-186
Abstract The collection contains diaries, ledgers, and albums of Ann Price Gibson Paschall Jackson (1792-1874) and her family. Related to many Pennsylvania Quaker families including Price, Sharples/Sharpless, Paschall, and Townsend, Ann P. Paschall (later Ann P. Jackson) was recorded as a minister of Darby Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) in 1831. Series 1 is composed of her diaries, 1814 to 1874. The detailed entries concern religious and practical matters. Series 2 contains diaries, ledgers, and...
Dates: 1709 - 1936; Majority of material found within 1810 - 1874

William Jackson journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-036

William Jackson's diary of his religious visit to England and Ireland. Diary entries detail the preparations required to make the journey, as well as details about the voyage itself. Upon his arrival in Ireland, entries describe attendance at Quaker Meetings, visits with Friends, and descriptions of the various Friends who hosted Jackson during his time abroad.

Dates: 1802-1803

Asa M. Janney family papers

 Collection — Container: Box 1
Identifier: SFHL-RG5-310
Abstract The collection consists of correspondence and other papers of the Virginia Quaker family of Asa M. Janney. The letters contain family news and note Quaker concerns and activities. Of special interest are letters from Asa's older brother, Samuel M. Janney, noted Quaker minister, author and abolitionist. Also included are an account book of Janney's Forest Mills flour mill, 1860-1862; a Swarthmore College student notebook kept by his grandson, Thomas Janney Brown; and a notebook of...
Dates: 1831 - 1950

O. Edward Janney (Oliver Edward) Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-072
Abstract Dr. O. Edward Janney was a prominent Quaker doctor from Baltimore who was active in many of the social reform movements of his time. He worked with the Society for the Suppression of Vice in Baltimore and labored in the causes of temperance, woman suffrage, inter-racial relations, peace, and other reforms. In 1907, Dr. Janney gave up the practice of medicine to devote his energies full time to reform activities. The collection contains correspondence (1874-1945), diary (1914), memoirs,...
Dates: 1874-1945

Alice Jones diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-037
Abstract This collection is comprised primarily of the original, handwritten diary of Alice Jones, and a photocopy of the original. Diary entries discuss the history of the Friends School in Ramallah, Palestine, religious reflection and discussions concerning the divides between Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Palestine, and discussions concerning the politics within Palestine. Jones also provides descriptions of the children she teaches at the school.In addition to the Jones's diary,...
Dates: 1919-1946; 1930

Jones Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1009

The papers of Eli and Sybil Jones, 19th century Quaker missionaries, most notably to the Middle East where they established missions on Mt. Lebanon and in Ramallah, Palestine; the correspondence of Charles and Ellen Jones, also 19th century Quaker missionaries in Ramallah; and the letters of Quaker James Parnell Jones, son of Eli and Sybil Jones, who fought in the Civil War.

Dates: 1821-1918

Rufus M. Jones papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1130
Abstract Rufus Matthew Jones (1863-1948) was a Quaker historian, mystic, and philosopher. Born in South China, Maine, to Edwin and Mary Gifford Hoxie Jones, he taught philosophy at Haverford College between 1893 and 1934, and was involved in the Haverford Emergency Unit, American Friends Service, and Fellowship of Reconciliation, and is often attributed as having helped to unite Yearly Meetings in the United States. The collection consists of Rufus Jones’ correspondence, diaries, financial papers,...
Dates: 1779 - 1999; Majority of material found within 1875 - 1952

George M. Justice Memorandums, 1825-1861

 Collection — othertype: RG5-298
Identifier: SFHL-RG5-298

George M. Justice was a successful Philadelphia merchant and important Hicksite Quaker. Beginning in 1825 until shortly before his death, he kept volumes of memorandum reflecting his thoughts on religion, the Hicksite Separation and its aftermath in Philadelphia, family information, astronomy, slavery, and other topics.

Dates: 1825-1861

Leonard Stout Kenworthy diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-039

Leonard Stout Kenworthy's "Quaker Berlin Diary" describes his experiences in Germany during World War II working with German Quakers to assist unaffiliated German Jews to leave Germany.

Dates: 1940-1941

Filtered By

  • Subject: diaries X
  • Subject: Quakers X
  • Subject: Society of Friends X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 51
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 44
diaries 57
Quakers -- Diaries 49
Quakers -- History 27
Quakers -- Social life and customs 21
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 17
∨ more
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 15
travel literature 14
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 13
Quakers -- 20th century -- Diaries 13
Quakers -- Travel 13
Quaker women 10
Society of Friends -- Clergy -- Diaries 10
Diaries 9
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 9
correspondence 8
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 7
Quaker women -- Diaries 6
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 6
letters (correspondence) 6
Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 5
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 5
Quakers -- Education 5
Quakers -- Genealogy 5
Society of Friends -- Education 5
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 5
photographs 5
Indians of North America 4
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 4
Quaker abolitionists 4
Quaker women -- United States 4
Quakers 4
Quakers -- Family relationships 4
Quakers -- New Jersey 4
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 4
Quakers -- Social service 4
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 4
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania 4
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 4
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 3
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 3
Diaries -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 3
Indians of North America -- Missions 3
Motherhood -- United States -- History 3
Philadelphia (Pa.) 3
Photographs 3
Quaker businesspeople 3
Quaker women -- United States -- Diaries 3
Quakers -- Maryland 3
Quakers -- United States -- Civil War, 1861–1865 3
Quakers -- Virginia 3
Seneca Indians 3
Society of Friends -- Charities 3
Society of Friends -- Clergy 3
Society of Friends -- Doctrines 3
Society of Friends -- Missions 3
Society of Friends -- Missions -- Palestine 3
Society of Friends -- Wilburite controversy 3
Universities and colleges -- Pennsylvania -- Swarthmore 3
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 3
World War, 1914-1918 3
account books 3
speeches (documents) 3
Abolitionists 2
African Americans -- Education -- South Carolina -- Aiken 2
Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 2
Agriculture -- United States 2
American poetry 2
Antislavery movements -- United States 2
Business -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 2
Charities -- Maryland -- Baltimore 2
Conservative Quakers 2
Education -- Pennsylvania 2
Education -- South Carolina -- Aiken 2
England 2
International relief -- Europe 2
Japan 2
Lay ministry -- Pennsylvania 2
Missionaries -- China 2
Palestine 2
Palestine -- History -- 1917-1948 2
Palestine -- Politics and government -- 1917-1948 2
Pennsylvania -- History -- Sources 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 2
Photography 2
Poetry -- Women authors 2
Prison visits 2
Quaker Physicians 2
Quaker authors 2
Quaker authors -- 20th century 2
Quaker farmers 2
Quaker missionaries 2
Quaker philanthropists 2
Quaker social reformers 2
Quaker women -- 19th century -- Correspondence 2
Quaker women -- 20th century 2
Quaker women -- History -- 20th century 2
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 2
Quakers -- 19th century -- Biography 2
Quakers -- Antislavery movements 2
Quakers -- California 2
+ ∧ less
American Friends Service Committee 10
Haverford College 7
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 5
Swarthmore College 5
Westtown Boarding School 5
∨ more
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 4
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 4
Pendle Hill (School: Wallingford, Pa.) 4
Sharpless family 4
Brinton family 3
Cornplanter, Seneca chief 3
Harvard University 3
Kite family 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 3
Steere, Douglas V. (Douglas Van), 1901-1995 3
Walton family 3
Bacon, David 2
Bacon, George 2
Bean, Hannah E. (Hannah Elliott), 1830-1909 2
Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 2
Brinton, Anna Cox 2
Brinton, Howard Haines, 1884-1973 2
Brown family 2
Cadbury family 2
Cadbury, Catherine J. 2
Cadbury, William Warder 2
George School (Bucks County, Pa.) 2
Hunn family 2
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 2
Jones, Mary Hoxie 2
Lippincott family 2
Lloyd family 2
Madāris al-Frindz (Rām Allāh) 2
Moore family 2
New England Yearly Meeting of Friends 2
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955). Indian Committee (1827-1948) 2
Schofield Normal and Industrial School (Aiken, S.C.) 2
Schofield, Martha 2
Sharples, Edith, 1743-1787 2
Sharples, Joshua, 1747-1826 2
Shipley family 2
Shoemaker family 2
Simmons, Henry 2
Society of Friends 2
Swayne, Joel 2
Turner family 2
Valentino, Carmen 2
Walker family 2
Walton, George A. (George Arthur), 1883- 2
Woolman School (Swarthmore, Pa.) 2
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 2
Addams, Jane, 1860-1935 1
Alexander, H.P. 1
Alexander, Samuel, 1840-1914 1
Allen family 1
Allen, William Charles, 1857-1938 1
Alsop family 1
American League against War and Fascism 1
American League for Peace and Democracy 1
American Peace Society 1
Andrews, Peter 1
Angell, Benjamin, d. 1868 1
Ash, Samuel S. (Samuel Shinn), 1829-1911 1
Ash, Sarah J. (Sarah Jane), 1835-1912 1
Backhouse, James, d. 1890 1
Bacon family 1
Bacon, Edith Farquhar, 1892-1988 1
Bacon, Elizabeth, 1794-1844 1
Bacon, Francis R. (Francis Rogers), 1888-1965 1
Bacon, Samuel Allen, 1848-1908 1
Balch, Emily Greene, 1867-1961 1
Balderston, Ida Smedley (Ida Roberts Smedley Balderston), 1896-1993 1
Balderston, Lloyd, 1863-1933 1
Balderston, Mary F. 1
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite: 1828-1968) 1
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite: 1828-1968). Joint Committee on Indian Affairs (1869-1892) 1
Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 1
Baumgardt, David, 1890-1963 1
Bean family 1
Bean, James, 1822-1915 1
Beck, M.E. 1
Bettle, Samuel 1
Bewley, Maria, d.1886 1
Bewley, Samuel 1
Biddle family 1
Biddle, Clement M. (Clement Miller), 1876-1959 1
Biddle, Mary, 1780-1849 1
Biddle, Owen, 1737-1799 1
Biddle, William Canby, 1864-1942 1
Black Panther Party 1
Bloomfield family 1
Bloomfield, Isabella Macomb 1
Bloomfield, Joseph, 1753-1823 1
Blunston family 1
Bond, Carrie D.L. (Carrie Damon Lupton), b. 1883 1
Bowles, Minnie, 1868-1958 1
Braithwaite, J. Bevan (Joseph Bevan), 1818-1905 1
Braithwaite, Martha, 1823-1895 1
+ ∧ less