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Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 135

John Parrish diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-053

John Parrish was a member and minister of the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting. His diaries describe his travels to Quaker families, including those disowned by their Meeting, throughout Rhode Island, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Dates: 1796-1805

Katherine T. Paxson journals

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-054

Katherine T. Paxson was a Quaker author and poet. Journal entries describe Quaker meetings, prayers and religious reflection, attendance at writing conferences and workshops, as well as visits with family and friends, and daily housework.

Dates: 1971-1995

John Pemberton diaries

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-055

John Pemberton was a Quaker minister who was involved in Native American issues. The first volume describes Pemberton's visit to England from 1750 to 1754, the second volume is composed of daily entries dated from 1778. The majority of entries in both volumes describe Quaker meetings attended and social visits with Friends and family.

Dates: 1750-1778

Achilles Pugh journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-056

Journal entries describe Pugh's travel from St. Louis, Missouri, to Lawrence, Kansas, Quaker meetings attended, meetings with "Indian agents" and officials, and visits to tribes and make payments.

Dates: 1869

Redman family papers

 Collection — othertype: SC-106
Identifier: SFHL-SC-106

This collection includes Mercy Redman's journal of her visits to eighty-seven meetings in New York, New England, and Pennsylvania. During this time she met and travelled with John Woolman. Also included is a copy of the record kept by Thomas Redman of his imprisonment and trial for refusing to take an oath of loyalty to the United States. A poem written by John E. Redman and various other family documents are also included.

Dates: 1760-1806

Rosalie Regen Papers

Identifier: SFHL-RG5-166
Abstract Rosalie Stork Regen (1909-1993) was a Quaker author and playwright who joined the Rahway and Plainfield Monthly Meeting in 1941. She was the daughter of Charles Wharton Stork and Elisabeth von Pausinger Stork. An active member of the Society of Friends, Rosalie taught First Day School and visited Quakers all over the world. The collection includes journals kept continuously from 1936 to the time of her death in 1993. She also maintained a prodigious correspondence with family and friends....
Dates: 1856-1993

William G. Rhoads diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-057

The first pages of William G. Rhoads's diary ask a series of questions concerning moral behavior and manners, which Rhoads subsequently answers in each entry. Entries also detail Rhoads's apprenticeship as a book keeper, social calls, and Quaker meetings he attended.

Dates: 1858

Walter Robson journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-058

Walter Robson's journal is entitled “Voyage to America and travels in the United States.” Its entries describe Robson's departure from England and his voyages to and from the United States, including weather, accommodations, and fellow passengers. While in the United States, Robson traveled to various Friends and meetings in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Ohio, Chicago, Iowa, Indianapolis, Baltimore, North Carolina, and New York.

Dates: 1877-1878

Martha Routh journal

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-059

Martha Routh's journal describes her voyage from London to Boston, which she took in 1794. Entries describe the small group of Quakers that Routh traveled with, including Thomas Scattergood, as well as descriptions of the weather, communications with other ships during the journey, and Routh's struggles with illness on board. The journal ends when Routh arrives in Boston, and her last entry describes her Quaker hosts there, and the burial of a man who died on board the ship.

Dates: 1794

Henry Russell diary

Identifier: HC.MC-975-01-060

Henry Russell's diary entries describe social calls, attendance at Quaker Meetings, personal and religious reflection, prayers, and reminiscences about his wife.

Dates: 1858-1861

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  • Subject: diaries X
  • Subject: diaries X
  • Subject: Quakers -- Diaries X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 99
Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College 36
diaries 103
Quakers -- History 70
travel literature 37
Quakers -- Social life and customs 30
Quakers -- Travel 27
∨ more
Quakers -- Pennsylvania 19
Quaker women 17
Quaker women -- United States 17
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Social life and customs 13
Women and religion 11
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 10
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 10
Society of Friends -- Clergy -- Diaries 9
Indians of North America 8
Society of Friends -- Hicksite separation 8
Motherhood -- United States -- History 7
England 6
Quakers -- Education 6
Quakers -- Family relationships 6
Quakers -- Genealogy 6
Quakers -- New Jersey 6
Seneca Indians 6
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 6
Lay ministry -- Society of Friends 5
albums (books) 5
Quakers -- Great Britain 4
Quakers -- New York (State) 4
Rhode Island 4
Slavery and the church -- Society of Friends 4
Society of Friends -- Indian affairs 4
Women travelers 4
World War, 1914-1918 4
Agriculture -- United States 3
Americans -- Travel -- England -- History -- 19th century 3
Child rearing -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 3
Diaries 3
Indians of North America -- Missions 3
Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 3
Media (Pa.) 3
Quaker abolitionists 3
Quaker women -- Education 3
Quaker women -- Pennsylvania 3
Quakers 3
Quakers -- 19th century -- Diaries 3
Quakers -- Ireland 3
Quakers -- Social service 3
Six Nations -- History 3
Society of Friends -- Missions 3
Society of Friends -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History -- Sources 3
Temperance 3
Women -- Religious life 3
commonplace books 3
correspondence 3
genealogies (histories) 3
African Americans -- Education 2
Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- Delaware County 2
Agriculture -- Pennsylvania -- History 2
Antislavery movements 2
Antislavery movements -- United States 2
California -- Description and travel 2
Canada 2
Church controversies -- Society of Friends 2
Death 2
Delaware County (Pa.) 2
Europe -- Description and travel 2
France 2
Indians of North America -- Government relations 2
Kickapoo Indians -- History 2
Osage Indians -- History 2
Peace -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) -- History -- Sources 2
Quaker horticulturalists 2
Quaker missionaries 2
Quaker social reformers 2
Quaker women -- Diaries 2
Quakers -- Biography 2
Quakers -- Iowa 2
Quakers -- Maryland 2
Quakers -- Massachusetts -- History 2
Quakers -- United States -- Biography 2
Slavery -- United States 2
Society of Friends -- Education 2
Society of Friends -- Reunification 2
Society of Friends -- United States 2
Tourism -- Great Britain -- History 2
United States -- History -- War of 1812 2
Women -- Education 2
Women -- United States -- Social life and customs 2
Women in medicine 2
Women travelers -- Europe 2
World War, 1939-1945 -- Germany 2
account books 2
African Americans 1
African Americans -- Education -- South Carolina -- Aiken 1
African Americans -- Education -- South Carolina -- History -- 19th century 1
Aging 1
Agriculture -- Iowa 1
+ ∧ less
English 134
French 1
Cornplanter, Seneca chief 5
Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830 5
Haverford College 4
Sharpless family 4
Swarthmore College 4
∨ more
American Friends Service Committee 3
Cadbury, Henry J. (Henry Joel), 1883-1974 3
Cooper family 3
Jones family 3
Lloyd family 3
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends Library 3
Simmons, Henry 3
Woolman, John, 1720-1772 3
Bacon, David 2
Bettle, Samuel 2
Fisher family 2
Fisher, Jabez Maud, 1750-1779 2
Fisher, Samuel Rowland, 1745-1834 2
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 2
Hunn family 2
Hunn, Lydia Jones Sharpless, 1818-1911 2
Jackson, Halliday, 1771-1835 2
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 2
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1955) 2
Scattergood, Joseph 2
Seebohm, Benjamin 2
Sharpless, Joshua 2
Shinn family 2
Swayne, Joel 2
Valentino, Carmen 2
Warder, Ann Head 2
Westtown Boarding School 2
Wistar, Thomas 2
Allen, William Charles, 1857-1938 1
Alsop, John , b.1813 1
American League against War and Fascism 1
American League for Peace and Democracy 1
American Peace Society 1
Andrews, Peter 1
Angell, Benjamin, d. 1868 1
Bacon, Francis, 1812-1870 1
Bacon, George 1
Baily, Joshua L. (Joshua Longstreth), 1826-1916 1
Baily, Theodate Lang 1
Barnard College 1
Beans, Mary, b. 1811 1
Benezet, Anthony 1
Benezet, Eugenie 1
Bertrand family 1
Biddle, Mary, 1780-1849 1
Booth family 1
Booth, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth Martin), 1816-1882 1
Booth, Ellen M. (Ellen Miller), 1853-1929 1
Booth, George M. (George Martin), 1851-1918 1
Booth, William, 1812-1877 1
Borton, Hugh 1
Bowerman, Sarah Upton 1
Boyd, Lizette, 1838-1867 1
Braithwaite family 1
Bringhurst, Hannah Peters 1
Bringhurst, Joseph, 1767-1834 1
Brinton family 1
Brooks family 1
Brooks, Charles Franklin, 1891-1958 1
Brooks, Eleanor S. (Eleanor Stabler), 1892-1986 1
Browett, Elizabeth 1
Brown family 1
Buckingham Monthly Meeting of Friends 1
Bushong family 1
Bushong, Edith K., 1836-1914 1
Cadbury family 1
Cadbury, Anna K (Anna Kaighn), 1846-1923 1
Cadbury, Benjamin 1
Cadbury, Caroline, 1801-1868 1
Cadbury, Emma, 1843-1923 1
Cadbury, Emma, 1875-1965 1
Cadbury, Joel, 1838-1923 1
Cadbury, John Warder 1
Cadbury, Richard, 1825-1897 1
Carman family (Carman, Thomas, 1815-1899) 1
Carman, Catharine Williams 1
Carman, Thomas, 1815-1899 1
Carter family 1
Chalkley, Thomas, 1675-1741 1
Champney, Mary 1
Chester Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : 1681-1827) 1
Chester Monthly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1827-1934) 1
Christian Arbitration and Peace Society 1
Churchman, George, 1730-1814 1
Cock, George D., 1816-1872 1
Cock, Marion, d. 1938 1
Cocke family 1
Comfort, Howard 1
Cooke, Lydia Barton 1
Cooper, Anna, 1872-1926 1
Cooper, Dorothy Nyhart, 1898-1990 1
Cooper, E. Newbold, 1898-1957 1
Cooper, Elizabeth M. (Elizabeth Matlack), 1815-1902 1
Cooper, Henry R. (Henry Roberts), 1856-1928 1
Cooper, Sarah, 1838-1923 1
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