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Barclay letters

Identifier: HC.MC-909

Primarily letters of Robert Barclay, a Quaker of the 18th and early 19th century, who established a brewery in England, on topics ranging from financial affairs and land transactions to personal matters.

Dates: 1688-1794

Guide to miscellaneous Quaker series

Identifier: HC.MC-975
Scope and Content note The goal of this finding aid is to help users navigate the series that organize the manuscript collections in MC.975. This collection consists of bound items, including manuscript journals & diaries, commonplace books, scrapbooks, financial records, correspondence and letterbooks, and other miscellaneous items, related to Quaker individuals and families, or to Quakerism and Quaker history.These manuscript volumes are arranged on the shelves in 11 different record...
Dates: 1683-ongoing

Sarah Cooper Tatum Hilles family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1213
Abstract The Sarah Cooper Tatum Hilles family papers house the correspondence of a Quaker family who lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Woodbury, New Jersey; Wilmington, Delaware; and other surrounding areas from approximately 1840 to 1882. A majority of the letters were written to or by Sarah Cooper Tatum Hilles; her husband, John Smith Hilles; and other Tatum or Hilles family members. There is a small sampling of assorted family papers, dating from 1825 to 1901. Included, among other items, are...
Dates: Bulk, 1840-1882 1791-1930; Majority of material found within 1840 - 1882

Eli and Sybil Jones Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1009-A

This collection contains materials from Eli and Sybil Jones, as well as Susan Taber Jones, James Parnell Jones, Virginia Costello Jones, and other materials related to the work and ministry of Eli and Sybil Jones.

Dates: 1830-1890

Rufus M. Jones papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1130
Abstract Rufus Matthew Jones (1863-1948) was a Quaker historian, mystic, and philosopher. Born in South China, Maine, to Edwin and Mary Gifford Hoxie Jones, he taught philosophy at Haverford College between 1893 and 1934, and was involved in the Haverford Emergency Unit, American Friends Service, and Fellowship of Reconciliation, and is often attributed as having helped to unite Yearly Meetings in the United States. The collection consists of Rufus Jones’ correspondence, diaries, financial papers,...
Dates: 1779 - 1999; Majority of material found within 1875 - 1952

Isaac Proctor papers

Identifier: HC.MC-950-151

This collection is comprised of the papers of Isaac Proctor. The majority of the collection is composed of the personal correspondence of Proctor from the end of the 18th century, but also includes a single, small diary, and a single folder of his financial records.

Dates: 1790-1830

James Wood papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1218
Abstract James Wood (1839-1925) was “interested in education, philanthropy, in the various branches of agriculture, in archaeology, history, Indian lore, anthropology, science, in prison reform and above all, in the Bible and religion,” (ABS, 2). He was also a business man, serving as President of the Genesee Salt Company in Piffard, New York. The James Wood papers are divided into twelve series: “Biographical Material:” “Agriculture;” Business and Financial Material;” “Collected Quaker Material;”...
Dates: Bulk, 1865-1921 1865-1964; Majority of material found within 1865 - 1921

Andrew H. Woods papers

Identifier: BMC-M78
Abstract Andrew H. Woods (1872 – 1956) became vice president of Canton College in Guangzhou, China in 1899. He maintained his association with Canton Christian College throughout the Boxer Rebellion, or Yihetuan Movement, and the end of the Qing dynasty. Woods moved back and forth between China and the United States with his wife, Fanny Sinclair, who graduated from Bryn Mawr in 1901. In 1929, the couple and their children settled in Iowa. In Iowa, Woods worked as a professor and practitioner of...
Dates: 1885 - 1956
Found in: Bryn Mawr College

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  • Subject: diaries X
  • Subject: financial records X

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Haverford College Quaker & Special Collections 7
Bryn Mawr College 1
diaries 7
Quakers 6
correspondence 5
manuscripts (documents) 3
photographs 3
∨ more
Education 2
Haverford (Pa.) 2
Quakers -- History 2
Travel 2
minutes (administrative records) 2
notebooks 2
photograph albums 2
Abolitionists 1
Abolitionists -- United States -- History -- 19th century 1
Agriculture 1
Americans -- Travel -- England -- History -- 19th century 1
Antislavery movements -- United States 1
Bedford (Westchester County, N.Y.) 1
Brewing industry 1
Bryn Mawr (Pa.) 1
China -- History -- Boxer Rebellion, 1899-1901 1
England 1
England -- Description and travel 1
Iowa 1
Land titles 1
Lebanon 1
Maine 1
Mental health 1
Missionaries 1
Mount Kisco (N.Y.) 1
Mysticism 1
Neurology 1
Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
Prison reformers 1
Psychology 1
Quaker women 1
Quakers -- 18th century -- Diaries 1
Quakers -- Diaries 1
Quakers -- England -- 19th century 1
Quakers -- History -- 19th century 1
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- History -- 18th century 1
Quakers -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia 1
Quakers -- Travel 1
Religion 1
Sheep 1
Society of Friends -- History 1
Society of Friends -- War relief and reconstruction 1
Temperance 1
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
Wills 1
Wilmington (Del.) 1
Women clergy -- United States -- Diaries 1
Yellow fever 1
Yellow fever -- History 1
autobiographies (documents) 1
autograph albums 1
awards 1
biographies (documents) 1
bookkeeping records 1
business records 1
clippings (information artifacts) 1
commonplace books 1
deeds 1
estate records 1
family papers 1
genealogical tables 1
genealogies (histories) 1
lecture notes 1
letters (correspondence) 1
military passes 1
pamphlets 1
postcards 1
school records 1
scrapbooks 1
sketches 1
speeches (documents) 1
trade catalogs 1
travel photography 1
+ ∧ less
Haverford College 3
Bryn Mawr College 2
Jones, Mary Hoxie 2
American Bible Society 1
American Friends Service Committee 1
∨ more
Barbour, Hugh 1
Barclay, Rachel, 1743-1792 1
Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690 1
Barclay, Robert, 1751-1830 1
Bedford Farmers' Club (Bedford (Westchester County, N.Y.)) 1
Cadbury, Emma 1
Canton Christian College 1
Chestnut Hill Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 1
Drinker, Henry, 1734-1809 1
Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends: U.S.) 1
Fox, George 1
Friends' Association of Philadelphia and Its Vicinity, for the Relief of Colored Freedmen 1
Harvard University 1
Haverford College. Quaker Collection 1
Hilles, John Smith, 1830-1875 1
Hilles, Margaret Hill Smith, 1786-1882 1
Hilles, Samuel, 1788-1873 1
Hilles, Sarah Cooper Tatum 1
Hilles, Sarah Lancaster 1
Hilles, William Samuel, 1825-1876 1
Hilles, William Samuel, 1865-1928 1
Iowa State Medical Society 1
Iowa. Dept. of Health 1
Iowa. University. College of Medicine 1
Jones family 1
Jones, Eli 1
Jones, James Parnell 1
Jones, Rufus M. (Rufus Matthew), 1863-1948 1
Jones, Susan Taber 1
Jones, Sybil 1
Jones, Virginia Costello 1
New York State Reformatory for Women (Bedford Hills, N.Y.) 1
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends 1
Parke, Thomas, 1749-1835 1
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co. 1
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1827-1955) 1
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Indian Committee 1
Proctor, Isaac 1
Sinclair, Agnes 1
Sinclair, Amy 1
Sinclair, Carol 1
Sinclair, Caroline 1
Sinclair, Elsie 1
Sinclair, Fanny 1
Sinclair, Rob 1
Tatum, Ann Cooper, d. 1834 1
Tatum, John Cooper 1
Tatum, Joseph 1
University of Pennsylvania 1
Washington and Lee University 1
Westchester County Bible Society (Westchester County, N.Y.) 1
Westtown Boarding School 1
Wood, Carolena Morris, 1871-1936 1
Wood, James, 1839-1925 1
Woods, Tom S. 1
+ ∧ less