Showing Collections: 121 - 130 of 5317
American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace Collected Records
The People's Council of America for Democracy and Peace grew out of the First American Conference for Democracy and Terms of Peace, held in New York, May 1917. It was organized to work for an early and liberal peace at the end of the World War. It favored world organizations and disapproved of conscription.
American Continental Congress for Peace Collected Records
Includes letters and other documents.
American Embargo Conference Collected Records
American Faculty Council for the Gradualist Way to Peace Collected Records
American Foundation Collected Records
American Friends Fellowship Committee Papers
Collection includes duplicate minutes and miscellaneous mailings received by Ellis W. Bacon. Of particular interest are intineraries of Gilbert and Minnie Bowles, and copies of correspondence between J. Passmore Elkinton, Chair of the Committee, and Clarence E. Pickett, Executive Secretary of the AFSC.
American Friends Fellowship Council Records
American Friends' letters
The collection is composed chiefly of letters of members of the Society of Friends in the United States from the 17th to the 20th centuries; there are also documents, clippings, published articles, and miscellaneous manuscripts.
American Friends of the Middle East Collected Records
Includes correspondence, annual reports, brochures, program literature, and newsletters.
American Friends' Peace Conference Collected Records
Includes minute book and a printed report of the proceedings.