Showing Collections: 161 - 170 of 5316
A literary magazine jointly published by students at Bryn Mawr and Haverford colleges.
"An Account of a Visit to the Indians in the Autumn of 1806"
This collection is comprised of a single letter from David Barclay to Charles Lloyd dated 1807 June 24, which includes "An account of a visit to the Indians in the Autumn of 1806, by one of the Pennsylvania Committee appointed to promote their Civilization" by Isaac Bonsall.
An Account of the Shipwreck of Emanuel Crespel
An account of Emmanuel Crespel's shipwreck on the southern tip of Anticosti Island, while attempting to return to France from Canada. Translated from the French by Isaac Gray.
Bent Andresen Collected Papers
Bent Andresen registered as a conscientious objector (CO) during World War Two and was sent to a Civilian Public Service in 1944. Andresen participated in a guinea pig project in which he and several other COs lived in a refrigerated room for three months to test the impact of a high-protein diet on cold-weather conditions. He went AWOL in 1945 and was sentenced to two years in prison. Andreson was involved in various peace and justice groups throughout his lifetime.
Bennett W. Andrews and Florence N. Andrews Papers
Bennett Andrews was an absolutist conscientious objector during World War II. He served a five year sentence Danbury Prison, a federal penitentiary, in Connecticut. There he worked in a number of positions in the prison. Bennett Andrews was released from prison on July 11, 1946 and received amnesty from President Truman in 1947. Florence Andrews (born in 1913) married Bennett on July 22, 1938. She was also a strong pacifist, who fully supported her husband's C.O. stance.
C. F. Andrews Collected Papers
Collection consists primarily of printed or mimeographed materials prepared for the centenary of Andrews's birth in 1971.
Fannie Fern Andrews Collected Papers
Fannie Fern Phillips Andrews founded the American School Peace League (which changed its name to the American School Citizenship League in 1919). She was also a founding member of the Woman's Peace Party, and was one of the delegates to the International Committee of the International Congress of Women at The Hague in 1915. She was appointed by President Roosevelt to serve as a delegate to international conferences on education in 1934 and 1936.
Peter Andrews journal
Journal kept during Andrews's travels in England during the years 1755 and 1756. Entries describe his voyage from Philadelphia to Newcastle, including the weather, fellow passengers, and Quaker meetings held on board. Upon Andrews’s arrival in England, entries describe visits to fellow Quakers, Quaker meetings, and discussions of the state of the Society of Friends in England.
Anglican Pacifist Fellowship Collected Records
The collection includes annual reports (1940-), printed correspondence, leaflets, pamphlets.
Animal Rights Group records
This collection contains documentation of Haverford's Animal Rights Group from the academic year 1998-1999. It includes a calendar of events and email printouts.