Showing Collections: 5151 - 5160 of 5318
Mary Winsor Collected Papers
Winston-Clark Family papers
Approximately 500 letters (also a few clippings, poems and other items) of the related Clark and Winston families of Virginia and Indiana. Letters discuss family and friends, the small schools that many members of these families began in the Midwest, as well as comments on politics, slavery, religion, education, the Civil War and friends/family fighting in the Confederate army, and other topics.
Wisbech Local Peace Association Records
Priscilla Hannah Peckover (1833-1931) devoted much of her life toward mobilization for peace. In 1879 she formed the Wisbech Peace Association to promote the development of women in work for peace. This group of men and women became a center for peace activity in Great Britain. They concentrated on establishing peace by means of arbitration and disarmament, based on Christian theology.
Wisconsin Peace Society Collected Records
Alice Wiser Papers
Alice Wiser was a Quaker and had trained as a social worker and psychological counselor. She dedicated the last ten to fifteen years of her life to both peace and women's rights. Wiser was instrumental in organizing the peace tent for the second United Nations Conference on Women held in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. After the conference Wiser continued to organize around these issues, traveling around the world to interview women and talk about peace. Wiser died from breast cancer in 1995.
Wistar-Canby family papers
This collection contains materials that belonged to members of the Wistar and Canby families, prominent families in Pennsylvania and Delaware. It consists mostly of diaries, photographs, and personal papers that belonged to members of the extended Wistar-Canby family. Many of the letters and personal papers have to do with family genaological research pursued by William Marriott Canby Jr. Also included in this collection is a baby shirt and cap worn by William Canby in 1748.
Letter to C.C. Wistar at Haverford College
The collection contains a printout and a handwritten version of a letter sent by C.C. Wistar's mother to him whilst he was studying at Haverford College. The letter was written two days after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Edward Morris Wistar papers
Documents relating to Quaker Edward M. Wistar's relief mission under the auspices of the American Red Cross to Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire in 1896.
Edward Morris Wistar songbooks
These two volumes contain handwritten song lyrics compiled by Edward M. Wistar and his classmates during his time at Haverford in the early 1870s. Some are specific to Haverford, while many were other popular songs of the time.
Esther Fisher Wistar commonplace book
The commonplace book of Esther Fisher Wistar includes extracts of poetry, as well as an account of the illness and death of Wistar's mother.