Showing Collections: 5161 - 5170 of 5285
Wood Family Papers
The Wood Family Papers contains papers from a Quaker family active in 19th century New York City Friends affairs, compiled by M. S. (Mary Sutton) Wood. Included are business correspondence concerning the printing house founded by Samuel Wood and his sons, correspondence from prominent Friends concerning work for social causes including abolition, freedmen, prisoners, First Day schools, and peace, and genealogical material, writings, and reminiscences by Mary S. Wood.
Wood family silhouettes
This collection contains 15 silhouettes.
George Wood silhouette book
This collection is comprised of the single volume silhouette book of George Wood.
Henry Wood poem
The collection contains a small envelope addressed to Henry Wood, a senior at Haverford College.
James Wood collection
This collection contains "The Education of James Wood" (1909, original manuscript, typed transcription), "Wood Family Reminiscences" (1909, typed transcription), and assorted family photographs, framed and unframed.
James Wood papers
John Wood, Jr. and Jean Brown Wood Collected Papers
John Wood served in Civilian Public Service (CPS) at the Big Flats CPS Camp (#46) in Big Flats, New York, during 1942-1943, and for a short time in 1943 at Guilford College (unit #101).
L. Hollingsworth Wood correspondence
L. Hollingsworth Wood papers
L. Hollingsworth Wood photographs and ephemera
This collections contains forty-three photographs of L. Hollingsworth Wood, Haverford College Class of 1896, and his fellow students and faculty members at Haverford circa 1892-1896. The photographs primarily show Haverford sports teams, students, faculty members, theatrical productions, and classroom and dorm scenes. The collection also includes a poster advertising a football game between Haverford and Swarthmore College held at Haverford on November 23, 1895.