Showing Collections: 5291 - 5300 of 5317
York Monthly Meeting (1786-1858) Records
Records of the first York Monthly Meeting, 1765-1857, 1907. Includes minutes 1786-1857, vital records 1786-1854, and miscellaneous records 1765-1907.
York Monthly Meeting (1952- ) Records
Records of the second York Monthly Meeting of Friends and its independent predecessor, 1914-2022. Includes minutes 1932-2022, membership, 1914, and miscellaneous, 1923-1992.
Yorktown and Amawalk (Orthodox) Monthly Meetings Records
Records of Yorktown Monthly Meeting and its predecessor, Amawalk Monthly Meeting (Orthodox), 1798-1941. Includes: minutes, 1830-1941; women's minutes, 1828-1878; vital records, 1798-1907; and minutes of Ministers and Elders, 1835-1869.
Young American Literary Association records
This collection is comprised of one collection of minutes from the Young American Literary Association. The minutes describe debates on literary themes, including the topic, who presented on what side, the moderator, and the chosen winner. It often includes who the next moderator and topic will be.
Young Democracy Collected Records
Ellen Sudders Young scrapbook
Young Friends Aid Association (New York, N.Y.)
Young Friends' Association (Kennett Square, Pa.)
Young Friends' Association (Kennett Square, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1892 in Kennett Square, Pa. This collection contains the constitution and minutes, 1892-1905, in one bound volume.
Young Friends' Association (Purchase, N.Y.)
The Young Friends' Association, a Quaker social and study group, was established in Purchase, New York, in 1892. The Association was modeled after a similar organization in Philadelphia and met regularly to discuss topics of mutual interest. The collection contains one bound volume of minutes, 1892-1894.
Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.) Minutes
Young Friends' Association (West Chester, Pa.), a Quaker social and study group, was established in 1895 in West Chester, Pa. This collection contains the constitution and minutes, 1895-1904, in one bound volume.