Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 5281
Fay Ajzenberg-Selove papers
The collection consists of the 1947-1950 correspondence between Fay Ajzenberg-Selove and Louis Leprince-Ringue pertaining to her translation of his book "Les Rayons Cosmiques" (The Cosmic Rays) and a 1991 copy of Ajzenberg-Selove's memoir typescript.
Akron Council for Peace Action Collected Records
Alapocas Monthly Meeting Records
Records include: minutes 1974-2001 ; membership records, 1975-2001 ; miscellaneous papers, 1975-2001.
Alaskans for World Peace Records
Collection includes: articles of incorporation and by-laws, correspondence, newsletters, articles and letters to the editor by members; peace-related writings of Conner Sorensen; information about programs: anti-hunger, disarmament, efforts against U.S. military assistance to Nicaragua.
"Alba Amicorum" exhibit notebook
This collection contains one notebook from George Allan's (Class of 2024) exhibit "Alba Amicorum", shown in Spring 2024.
Albany Executive and Monthly Meetings (1840-1915) Records
Includes: Minutes (men's and joint), 1840-94 and 1894-1915; women's minutes, 1840-69; minutes of the Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders, 1841-87 and 1887-94; register & scrapbook, 1840-1915; Deeds and Property Records 1898-1908; contained with the Register are records of births & deaths, marriages, removals, names of the members of Albany and New Scotland Preparative Meetings, and miscellaneous items tipped in.
Albany Friends Meeting (1942- ) Records
Records of the second Albany Friends Meeting, 1942-ongoing. Includes: Minutes, 1942-1994, and newsletters, 1965-68.
Albany Preparative Meeting Records
Includes: Women's Preparative Meeting minutes, 1833-1865; Men's Preparative Meeting minutes, 1833-1870.
Albert Einstein Institution Records
Henry H. Albertson collection
Includes letters, many of which are by and to William Hodgson (1804-1878). All or most of the letter writers are Friends; a number of them are British Friends. Topics often include visits to other Friends, attending Meeting, health, religious or philosophical reflections, and because of the period of writing, often refer openly or obliquely to the Wilbur-Gurney controversy.