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Tallcot Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1015

Scope and Contents

These papers are mainly the correspondence of Joseph Tallcot (ca. 1768-1853) with family, friends, and other leading Quakers on subjects including religious education, Friends' schools and publications, the Separation of 1827-1828, the Wilburite Separation, the colony of free African Americans at Wilberforce, Canada, the enslavement of African Americans, and others. The papers also include essays, sermons, epistles, and articles by Joseph Tallcot; correspondence of Gaius Tallcot (d. ca. 1773) and Sarah (Cause-ten) Tallcot, parents of Joseph; legal and financial papers connected with property in New Milford, Connecticut, 1724-1810; and other.

Joseph Tallcot's correspondents include Samuel Battle (1775-1861), Anna Braithwaite (ca. 1788-1859), Moses Brown (1738-1836), Mahlon Day (1790-1854), George Dillwyn (1738-1820), Thomas Eddy (1758-1827), Sarah Moore Grimké (1792-1873), Caleb McComber, Richard Mott (1767-1856), John Murray (1758-1819), Samuel Parsons (1774-1841), Samuel Rhoads (ca.1806-1868), Martha Routh (1743-1817), Thomas Willis (1771-1864).


  • Creation: 1724-1857


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use.

Use Restrictions

Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).

Biographical / Historical

Joseph Tallcot (1768-1853) was born near Nine Partners, New York, the son of Quakers Gaius Tallcot and Sarah Causeten Tallcot. He was educated at Nine Partners School and later entered into the apothecary business with his father. Tallcot established a school which later became the Friends School at Nine Partners. He was the author of The Friendly Visitant and The Child's Companion. He married Sarah Hawxhurst.


1.25 linear ft. (3 boxes)

Language of Materials



Primarily the correspondence of Joseph Tallcot (ca. 1768-1853) and other Quakers on topics relating to religious education, the Hicksite-Orthodox schism of 1827-1828, the Wilburite separation, slavery, and the African American colony at Wilberforce, Canada.

Related Materials

  • MC.961 Richard Mott Papers, 1799­-1863
  • MC.975.01.059 Martha Routh journal, 1794

Processing Information

Original processing information unknown.

Tallcot Family papers, 1724-1857
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • June 2022: by Nathaniel Rehm-Daly, Harmful Language Revision Project

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