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Winston-Clark Family papers

Identifier: HC.MC-1165

Scope and Contents

Approximately 500 letters (also a few clippings, poems and other items) of the related Clark and Winston families of Virginia and Indiana. Letters discuss family and friends, the small schools that many members of these families began in the mid-west, as well as comments on politics, slavery, religion, education, the Civil War and friends/family in the Confederate army, and other topics.

Clark family letters (ca. 130) include those of Daniel Clark (ca. 29 letters, 1844 1852; discussing his schooling [at Friends Boarding School, Richmond, Indiana], teaching and his own schools, etc.); Hezekiah Clark (ca. 23 letters, 1846 1874; discussing his schooling [at New Garden Boarding School], teaching at his own schools, farming, etc.); John Clark (ca. 10 letters, 1837 1866; topics include Quaker Meeting news, Quaker ministers, business and farming concerns, etc.); N. Maria Clark (ca. 17 letters, 1850 1877; includes courtship correspondence with her deceased sister's husband, Bowling H. Winston); Martha Ann Clark (ca. 17 letters, 1847 1899; topics include her studies and teaching, etc.); Mary H. Clark (ca. 16 letters, 1839 1864; includes letters to her nephews, especially to BHW discussing his education and giving her support to same, criticism of Pleasant Winston Sr., family news, Civil War, William H.H. Winston in prison camp); Thomas Winston and Lindley M. Winston (ca. 13 letters, 1852 1860; includes letters while at Haverford College).

Winston family letters (ca. 370) include the following: Ambrose W. Winston (ca. 20 letters, 1840 1877; discussing school [at Emory and Henry College], travel, Camp meetings, Civil War, farming, teaching school, family news, etc.) Anna Clark Winston (ca. 18 letters, 1846 1863 or 4; discussing teaching, Quaker activities, etc.) Bowling H. Winston (ca. 110 letters, 1834 1890; topics include family news, schooling [at Mt. Pleasant Boarding School in Ohio, later at U. of Virginia], politics, travel, teaching, slavery, farming, Quaker activities and Meetings, military service [his brothers are in Confederate Army], courtship correspondence with his deceased wife's (Anna Clark Winston's) sister, N. Maria Clark, etc.) Charles J. Winston (ca. 8 letters, 1852 1864; news of family and friends, in Confederate Army) Elizabeth C. Winston (ca. 54 letters, 1824 1852; include thoughts on spiritual matters and death, health concerns, illness and death of her children, family news, her homesickness for her relatives and friends left behind in Va., farming, etc.) John C. Winston (ca. 14 letters, 1866 1896; includes letters while at Haverford College) Julia W. Winston (ca. 12 letters, 1870 1896; family news and letters to stepchildren, etc.) Lucy A. Winston (ca. 14 letters, 1877 1899; many are while she is at the National Surgical Institute in Indianapolis receiving treatment for her hip and leg) Pleasant Winston, Jr. (ca. 31 letters, 1842 1861; discussing family news, schooling [at Mt. Pleasant Boarding School], his mother's illness and death, farming, includes letters between brother evidence of some friction with father) Pleasant Winston, Sr. (ca. 12 letters, 1834 1888; some discussion of Quaker matters, education of his children, etc.) William Henry Harrison Winston (ca. 12 letters, 1864 1908; news of family, plans to join the Confederate Army, includes letters from 11th Virginia, federal prison at Point Lookout, Md.)

[ ] C2, C4, C5, C43, C122b, W158, W191, W360 [notes only], W367, W370 [ ], Mary Ann C86 B., E.A. W161 Bodly, Sarah W354 Butler, Virginia J. W289 Campbell, A. Rebecca W154 Campbell, R. W78 Campbell, Virginia (Kyle) W78 Carrington, Maria L. W287 Chase, Thomas W328 [Clark, see below] Coggeshall, Oliver C114 Cox, Isaac C74 Cox, John W41 Clark, Bowling W164, W205, W207, W246, W344 Clark, Daniel C10 13, C16, C22, C23, C25 27, C30, C33, C38, C39, C41, C44, C45, C48, C50, C51, C52, C65, C67, C72, C73, C87, W133, W139, W142 Clark, Edward M. W123 Clark, Elizabeth Cheadle W354 Clark, George C. C8, C9, C35, C37 Clark, Hezekiah C13, C56?, C92, C96, C99, C101, C103 106, C113, C115, C117, C118, C121, C123 129, W226 Clark, [J. ?.] W3 Clark, Jeddie C129 Clark, John C5b, C6, C7, C14, C15, C32, C110, C116, C130, W294 Clark, Johnny C129 Clark, Julia Ann C20, C28, C42, C46?, C53, C64?, C89 Clark, Lindley M. C97, C100, C107 109, C111, C120 Clark, Lucy W4 Clark, Mattie C129 Clark, Maria C78, C95, W250, W270, W273, W275, W278, W280, W281, W296, W326; also as "Clark, Nancy Maria" or "N. Maria Clark" C57, C110, C119, W256, W282, W283 Clark, Martha Ann C19, C31, C34, C36, C58, C61, C66, C69, C70, C75 78, C80, C81, C85, W365 Clark, Mary H. W32, W44, W52, W66, W76, W81, W166, W185, W198, W204, W208, W223, W237, W238, W266, W267 Clark, Nancy (Hussey) C1, C3, C14, C85, W249 Clark, Samuel C28 Clark, Sarah [N.] W8 Clark, Susie C129, W304, W331, W348 Clark, Thomas C79, C90, C94, C95, C99, C108b Clark, William A. W29 Dabney, I. W153 Effinger, Barbara [later Massie?] W253, W258?, W286, W290 [Fisher, Mary E.] W5, W6 [Fisher, Dr. S.B.] W6 Harris, Amelia C. W2 Harris, E.W. W292 Hill, John D. C93, W175 [this is a photocopy of C93] Hill, Sarah Ann C60 Hobbs, Barnabas C. W69, W80, W82, W122 Horney, Jesse W212 214, W216, W218, W220, W221, W232, W248, W263 Hussey, Jesse C102 Johnson, Abijah W219 Jones, Maria C. W58, W161? Jones, Mary W161 Kyle, Lucy (Winston) W211 Lindley, Asenath C. C19, C54?, C59? Lynch, Zalinda W1 [Massie?], Florence W288, W291 Massie, Sally (Sarah) Clark W14, W205 Massie, William W21, W40, W92, W205 Mayhew, E.C. C122 Miller, M.R. [later Mol. R. Pearson?] C18, C24, C29 Naylor, Elizabeth W54 Newby, Mary C91 Noel, Samuel M. W124, W130, W138 Rhoads, James E. W350 Rhoads, Samuel C98, C112, W252 Ricks, A. W301 Ricks, Missouri P. [W.] W111 Ricks, W.A. W300 Robinson, M.L. W83 Robinson, Mary Sue W158 S., [Captain] W268 Siler, Ellwood C. W125 Simpson, John A. W354 Simpson, Amelia H. W242 Stuart, H.F. C110b Taylor, Israel W65 Terrell, Mary W. W89 Thomas, Harvey C63, C68, C82, C84 Thornburgh, Dizer C88 Western Yearly Meeting W298 White, Elizabeth (Ricks) W299, W302 White, Martha A. C40 Whitlock, A. W129 Wilson, Jethro R. C71 Young, Edward C. C47 (p. 1-4 of what is C55), C49, C55 (p. 5-6 of C47), C62 Winston, Ambrose W. W37, W155, W170, W176, W192, W195, W198, W200, W204, W209, W210, W234, W236, W240, W241, W297, W305, W310, W316, W330 Winston, Anna C. (Clark) C17, C83, W182, W187, W194, W201 203, W206, W215, W222, W224, W227, W228, W229, W245, W251, W254 Winston, Bowling Henry W16, W19, W20, W30, W31, W34, W39, W45, W49, W51, W53, W55, W56, W59 62, W67, W70 75, W77, W79, W84 86, W90, W93, W96 98, W100 102, W104 106, W108, W109, W112, W116, W127, W135 137, W143, W146 149, W150?, W151?, W154, W156?, W157, W178, W190, W202, W203, W210, W217, W228 231, W235, W251, W254, W256, W259, W261, W264, W270 272, W274, W276, W277, W279, W280, W282, W284, W285, W293, W308, W312, W315, W317 319, W323, W325, W327, W330, W333, W334, W338, W341, W343 347b, W349, W355 Winston, Charles J. W160, W186, W198, W233, W244, W247, W269 Winston, E. Cornelia W120, W131, W189 Winston, Elizabeth "Lizzy" W113 Winston, Elizabeth C. W7, W9 13, W16 18, W20, W22 26, W33, W35, W38, W42, W46, W48, W50, W62 64, W68, W87, W91, W95, W99, W103, W107, W113 115, W117 119, W121, W126, W132, W134, W135, W138, W140, W141, W145, W152, W155, W162, W163, W165, W168, W186 Winston, [George] W36 Winston, John C. W294, W295, W311, W312, W318, W322, W331, W333, W336, W339, W342, W351, W359 [notes only], W363 Winston, Julia W. (Ricks) W303 [notes only], W306, W307, W309, W312, W325, W327, W335, W345, W346, W362, W364 Winston, Liberia Indiana W48, W91, W94 Winston, Lindley Clark [later Lindley Murray] W295, W314, W321, W352, W353, W358 Winston, Lucy A. W260, W262, W320, W324, W329, W332, W337, W340, W349, W355 357, W361, W366 [notes only], W368, W369? Winston, Lucy E. W260, W262 Winston, M.L. W88 Winston, Pleasant (Jr.) W47, W73, W82, W106b?, W110, W112, W114, W144, W163, W165, W167 169, W171 174, W177, W179, W181, W184, W186, W188, W193, W195 197, W199, W233, W240, W241 Winston, Pleasant (Sr.) W15, W28, W42, W43, W50, W57, W68, W159, W180, W183, W313, W354 Winston, Thomas B. W128 Winston, William H.H. (Henry Harrison) W27, W162, W167, W188, W193, W196?, W225, W239, W243, W247, W255, W257


  • Creation: 1814-1900


Access Restrictions

The collection is open for research use

Use Restrictions

Standard Federal Copyright Laws Apply (U.S. Title 17).

Biographical / Historical

John Clark (1794­-1885), Quaker, originally of North Carolina, married in 1821 Nancy Hussey. In 1832 Clark moved his family to Indiana. John and Nancy's children included Anna Clark (1827­-1864) who in 1852 married Bowling Henry Winston (1822­-1892), Hezekiah Clark (1833-­1920), Daniel Clark (1824-­1874), Martha Ann Clark (1829-­1899), Lindley Murray Clark (1836­-1861), Nancy Maria Clark (1838-­1881) and Thomas Clark.

Anna and Bowling Henry Winston's children included John Clark Winston, Lindley Murray Winston, Lucy Winston and Clark Winston. After Anna C. Winston's death in 1864, Bowling H. Winston married Julia Ricks of Virginia.

Bowling Henry Winston (1822­-1892) was the son of Pleasant Winston (1792-­1876) of Virginia (later of Indiana), Quaker farmer and physician, who married in 1820 Elizabeth Clark, also of Virginia. This Elizabeth Clark was not related to the family of Anna Clark (1827-­1864) who would marry her son Bowling H. Winston.

In addition to Bowling H. Winston, Pleasant and Elizabeth's children included Pleasant Winston, Jr., Ambrose W. Winston, Charles J. Winston, William Henry Harrison Winston and six other children who all died before reaching adulthood (George Clark Winston, Liberia Indiana Winston, George Whitlock Winston, Elizabeth Virginia Winston, Lucy Winston and Thomas Winston).

[Sources for above: introductory notes to the letters prepared by the donor as well as the letters themselves]


1.25 linear ft. (3 boxes)

Language of Materials



Approximately 500 letters (also a few clippings, poems and other items) of the related Clark and Winston families of Virginia and Indiana. Letters discuss family and friends, the small schools that many members of these families began in the Midwest, as well as comments on politics, slavery, religion, education, the Civil War and friends/family fighting in the Confederate army, and other topics.


The collection is arranged by the item number assigned to each letter (or other paper) by the donor. The letters are divided into two series, Clark family letters (designated by a "C" number) and Winston family letters (designated by a "W" number). This numbering system corresponds (for the most part) to the chronological order of the letters. Note that two letters written by Anna Clark before her marriage to Bowling H. Winston are filed with the Clark letters; her letters to BHW before their marriage and those after marriage are filed in the Winston series.

Processing Information

Previous processing history unknown. Reboxed and description updated in March 2021 by Sakina Gulamhusein.

Winston-Clark Family papers, 1814-1900
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Revision Statements

  • March 2022: Reboxed and finding aid updated
  • May 2022: by Nathaniel Rehm-Daly, Harmful Language Revision Project

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