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A. Ruth Fry Papers

Identifier: SCPC-DG-046

Scope and Contents

The Fry Papers contain biographical information; correspondence (1918-1948); a scrapbook (1925-1942); photographs; hand-drawn maps of Friends' relief work in Poland and the Soviet Union; and her writings. The latter consist of books, numerous peace tracts, articles and reports that were printed in newspapers and periodicals, and manuscript reports and journals about her trips to France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, the Soviet Union, Germany, the United... States, Switzerland, and South Africa (with her father and alone).

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  • Creation: 1905-1957


Language of Materials

Materials are in English.

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Biographical note

[Anna] Ruth Fry was born in Highgate, England on September 4, 1878, into a Quaker family. Her father, Sir Edward Fry, was both a judge and a lawyer who gained international repute for his role as a skilled negotiator at the Hague Tribunal in 1917. Ruth was educated at home, and then went on to work for peace as an activist and a writer. From 1914-1924, she served as general secretary of the Friends Relief Commission, a committee organized by British... Quakers to provide help for refugees and others ravaged by the war. Fry toured the war zones as a traveling commissioner and wrote about the various relief efforts in her book A Quaker Adventure (1926). She was also the first chairman of the Russian Famine Relief Fund in 1921. In 1926-1927, she served as the secretary for the National Council for the Prevention of War, and in 1936-1937 as the treasurer of the London branch of the War Resisters' International. The pacifist journal Reconciliation appointed her to its editorial board in 1935. During the Boer war, Fry was treasurer of the Boer Home Industries Commission. Fry wrote numerous books, pamphlets and tracts, many of which are available in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. She died on April 26, 1962.

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1 linear ft. (3 boxes)

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[Anna] Ruth Fry was an activist and a writer born into a prominent Quaker family in England. From 1914-1924, she served as general secretary of the Friends Relief Commission, which provided help for refugees and others ravaged by World War I. Fry wrote about her experiences in A Quaker Adventure (1926). She was also the first chairman of the Russian Famine Relief Fund in 1921. Fry went on to write numerous books, pamphlets and tracts, on a variety of Quaker and peace topics. She died on April 26, 1962.


Box 1 contains biographical information about A. Ruth Fry and her correspondence, and some of the books and pamphlets she wrote. Box 2 contains more writings, mostly published, by and about Fry. Some of these items have been cataloged on Tripod.

Custodial History

The Swarthmore College Peace Collection is the official repository for these papers/records.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift of A. Ruth Fry, 1948-1960.

Related Materials

There is much additional material about Fry in the Friends Historical Library, Swarthmore College. Other Fry papers are in the Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University. Archives of the American Friends Service Committee is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Additional papers are at the Library, Friends House, London.

Related Materials

For related materials, search the library's online catalog.

Separated Materials

Photographs, 1920-1921, of Quaker relief efforts in Hungary, Poland, Germany, Serbia and Austria and Russia (including the famine in 1921); Watercolor drawings of Russia by V. Mirolubovka; Maps, including hand-drawn maps of American Friends Service Committee relief work in Poland and the Soviet Union, 1921-1925; Scrapbook of newspaper clippings, articles, correspondence and a manuscript by Fry, 1925-1942.

Bibliographic References

Guide to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, 2nd ed., p. 32.

Bibliographic References

Guide to Sources on Women in the Swarthmore College Peace Collection, p. 11.

Legal Status

Copyright to the materials created by A. Ruth Fry has been transferred to the Swarthmore College Peace Collection. Copyright to all other materials is retained by the authors of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.

Processing Information

Collection originally processed and checklist prepared by Martha Shane, April 1986 (under a grant from the Ford Foundation);updated finding aid by Anne Yoder, November 1997. This version of the finding aid by Wendy E. Chmielewski, October 2009.

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